Wednesday 31 August 2016

Frequent Urination in Children

Frequent urination or urinary frequency, as it is more commonly known is a condition in which a child experiences the need to urinate often. In normal circumstances children tend to urinate more than adults as they have smaller bladders that process fluids faster than adults. Therefore it is normal for them to urinate more but if your child is visiting the toilet at least 10 - 30 times in a day then he/she is probably displaying symptoms of frequent urination. Bed-wetting and frequent urination at night also points towards this condition.

Causes of frequent urination in children

If a child suffers from this condition then it can be a sign of abnormality in the urine of the child, infection by bacteria, or presence of blood in urine. While often the cause may be behavioural, there can be more serious underlying causes which need to be treated immediately. It is always advisable to consult a paediatrician or a urologist who may prescribe a urinalysis to identify the causes for the condition.

Stress and Tension: More often than not urinary frequency in children can be a result of emotional upheaval. If the child is feeling pressurised, then he or she may exhibit this condition within a day or two of the trigger situation. It can also result from a change in the child's routine which can cause stress. In such a scenario, it is important that parents are patient and try to understand what is troubling the child.

Behavioural Causes: Frequent urination can also be a result of some behavioural reasons. Many children exhibit an unnecessary intake of fluids which results in urinary frequency. If your child throws a tantrum on being asked to restrict fluid intake and shows a reduction in trips to the bathroom, then this could be a cause. In boys of the age group 3 - 4 years, there is a tendency to be fascinated by urination and a need to stop and urinate frequently. This is a behavioural quirk and the habit will be discontinued in 6 months or so. Many children also learn a smart way of dodging classes by getting into a cycle of going to the restroom and drinking water immediately after, so that in an hour or so another trip can be made to the restroom. Most teachers will grasp the situation quickly and put an end to the habit.

Diabetes Mellitus: The most common fear that most parents have when their children display symptoms of frequent urination is that the child is suffering from juvenile diabetes. Unlike in other conditions that can result in the condition, if your child is suffering from diabetes, then he/she would also suffer from conditions like polyuria, polyphagia (eating more than usual), polydipsia (drinking more fluids than usual), and weight loss. The child will be tested for sugar levels to check for diabetes.

Diabetes Insipidus: Diabetes Insipidus is not a very common cause of frequent urination. If your child suffers from this form of diabetes, then he/she probably suffers from a deficiency of anti diuretic hormone (ADH), which results in the dysfunction of kidneys and loss of their ability to conserve water, extra production of urine, and excessive thirst.

Pollakiuria: Also known as Extraordinary Daytime Urinary Frequency Syndrome, pollakiuria is common in children in the age group of 3 - 8 years. There are no other symptoms of this disorder. Sometimes related to stress, if your child suffers from this condition, then he/she is probably experiencing frequent urination during daytime with production of small amounts of urine on each occasion. There is no treatment and the condition recedes in a few months.

Urinary Tract Infection: A very common cause, urinary tract infections are a reason for frequent urination in women as well. If your child is suffering from UTI, then he/she would not only experience urinary frequency but also complain of urgency (the need to urinate quickly), dysuria (burning and pain during urination), cloudy or bloody urine, fever, back pain, abdominal pain, and nausea.

Voiding Dysfunction: Frequent urination in kids is also noticed due to this condition wherein, some children do not empty their bladder completely because they are afraid that they may miss something or they want to rush back to play. They may urinate just enough to relieve the pressure on the bladder but not completely. If this becomes regular then the sphincter muscle that helps you with bladder control will become overactive making it harder to urinate completely. If you think that your child is exhibiting signs of voiding dysfunction then put him on a schedule so that he goes to the bathroom every 2 - 4 hrs.

Vulvovaginitis: If you have a daughter then vulvovaginitis or the inflammation around the vaginal area can be a cause of frequent urination. The irritation of skin around the vaginal area causes it to show symptoms similar to symptoms of UTI. This irritation of skin can be due to improper wiping of the area or poor toilet hygiene, taking bubble baths, contact with irritants, etc.

Treatment of frequent urination in children

The treatment, very obviously, depends upon the cause of the condition. If the reason for frequent urination is a urinary tract infection, then your child will need a course of antibiotics, unless the infection clears up. Insulin therapy works as a treatment if your child is experiencing urinary frequency due to the onset of diabetes mellitus. In case of vulvovaginitis, the doctor may prescribe topical anti-fungal or anti-bacterial creams. If your child is exhibiting symptoms of the condition, then monitor his/her liquid intake. Ensure that your child is maintaining proper toilet hygiene. Do visit a specialist or your paediatrician for proper and timely diagnosis. If the cause is behavioural, talk to your child and explain things to him/her properly, and ensure that you give it some time.

Frequent urination is a symptom of many other serious underlying diseases, and it is important to diagnose the disease to ensure that your child does not suffer.

Tuesday 30 August 2016

The effects of sleep pattern disturbance you are not aware of

It is a common knowledge that sleep is essential for human beings. 6-7 hours of daily sleep is necessary because sleep helps in keeping the heart healthy, it reduces stress and also helps in improving memory. However, sometimes, people have a difficulty in falling asleep for the adequate amount of time every day. They may sleep for very short period or for too long. This is known as sleep pattern disturbance, and can be caused due to several reasons.

Sleep Disorder Causes

Due to the modern-day lifestyle, stress has become an integral part of people's lives. Stress is the number one cause of disturbances in sleep patterns in people. Increasing anxiety and stress, people have difficulty in falling asleep every day. Along with stress and anxiety, fear, depression or any illness can also cause disturbances in sleep.

Consumption of caffeine containing products like coffee, sodas also lead to insomnia or lack of sleep.

There are several sleep disorders that can cause disturbance in the sleeping pattern. For e.g., disorders like insomnia, parasomnia, dyspnoea, can also be the potential causes for this condition. Therefore, we observe that this condition can be caused by as simple a condition as lack of physical activity, disturbances in the environment; or due to complex disorders like side effects of certain medication, illness or anxiety.

It should also be noted that sleep pattern and depression are related to each other. Depression can be one of the major causes if a person suffers from sleep disorders for a long time, without any known abnormality.

Sleep Disorder Symptoms

Difficulty in falling asleep is the most common and obvious symptom of sleeping disorders. The person may also wake up very early than usual, feeling of exhausted. These symptoms are accompanied by several other symptoms like feeling sleepy during the day, irritability, lethargy, fatigue, weakness, disorientation, inability to concentrate, frequent yawning and having dark circles under eyes. They look exhausted, have a blank expression on their face; and may show short temper and agitation.

Sleep disorders can also give rise to symptoms like bed wetting, sleep talking, sleepwalking in toddlers.

Sleep Disorder Treatment

It is essential to find out the root cause of sleep disorder in order to look for proper treatment. In case, the disorder is found only in one or two instances, there is nothing to worry about. On the other hand, if it appears frequently, one should surely look for professional help to treat it.

Sleep pattern disturbance related to pain or illness can be treated by treating the underlying illness itself with proper medical help. Other sleep disorders can also be treated with the help of medications and therapy. It is advised that people should not go for sleep medications without prescription, as they can be addictive and cause several side effects.
Self-help Methods

  • Stress, anxiety, fear, should be reduced by following proper relaxation techniques. Techniques like yoga and meditation help in the same.
  • People should avoid having caffeine containing products like coffee as they are related to insomnia. Similarly, smoking and drinking should also be reduced and avoided before bedtime.
  • You should carry out at least one physical activity every day or exercise regularly to have sound sleep.
  • You should follow a proper sleeping pattern or schedule, and avoid sleeping for long hours during the day.
  • Lastly, you should note that the bedroom should be peaceful and quiet so as to avoid any disturbance while sleeping.

Proper sleep is essential for overall well-being. Therefore, you should treat sleep disorders with proper methods or professional help at the earliest.

Monday 29 August 2016

Yoga healing for back pain

There are a lot of activities we engage ourselves in everyday, which we do not even know the effect it creates. If you engage in activities such as driving a car, spending hours on a computer, watch television, sit on the job, stand on the job, carry groceries and many others, then chances are there that you could develop some back pain. These modern ways of living can wreak havoc on your back. The most intriguing thing about this whole process is that we all tend to pay little or no attention to alignment. This predisposes us to back pain as well as dysfunction.

On many occasions, the only way to recover from back pain involves taking prescription medicine or going for surgery. Even while doctors prescribe many treatment options for their patients suffering from back pain, they seldom include yoga. There have been different studies and documentation about yoga. Yoga has great benefits and can help you fix your back pain related issues. It does not only strengthen your core as well as improve posture, it also teaches you to move with awareness and respect the limitations that our bodies present to us. There are some bad habits, which are peculiar to many people. For instance, assuming a wrong posture when we sit or stand is a habit. People just find themselves doing such without them noticing it. Yoga can help in this kind of situation. It can help to break us from bad habits and instil the right alignment in us.

For example, a forward bend is considered as one of the most basic movements that we humans do. The question now is how often do we bend down to pick something off the floor? Are we truly mindful of alignment? On several occasions, we round our back as we bend down and this puts some form of pressure on the vulnerable discs of our lumbar spine. Years of moving in this manner or sitting in a wrong position over a computer, all this can cause bulging discs and so much pain. Uttanasana teaches us to fire up different areas of our body like core, feet, as well as legs. It teaches us to fire these parts of our body and let them do the work for us, rather than our backs when we bend and come up again.

Back pain is commonly attributed to cases like weak back, sore muscles, as well as poor posture. Yoga is a great way to improve strength as well as help prevent our back problems from developing into something else. However, it is important for people with back pain to follow the advice of their doctors and avoid forward bends in cases like this.

Sunday 28 August 2016

Why it is important to visit a dentist regularly

Visiting a dentist on a periodic basis is paramount for the maintenance of proper tooth and gum health. The prevention of cavities, periodontal disease, and bad breath is achieved with oral management techniques that are affordable, simple and effective to perform on a daily basis. A dentist should be consulted every 6 months or more frequently depending on dental needs and important care efforts.

A dentist offers patients comprehensive oral healthcare services to assist in the maintenance of a cavity free smile. Advanced oral technology and individualised wellness techniques are provided according to individual requirements. The purpose of consulting with your practitioner for a regular check-up is to detect problems at the earliest stage for intervention and the prevention of poor oral health.

Dentists possess the skill and technology to examine the teeth and gums to identify cavities and other signs of disease. The oral assessment can determine tooth problems and changes in tissues indicative of significant ailments including diabetes and cancers. One of the most important steps that individuals can take to preserve the healthy condition of teeth is to visit the dental clinics regularly.

A regular check-up includes the detection of plaque, tartar and cavities responsible for tooth decay and gum disease. The formation of bacteria and a failure to remove these layers can advance oral deterioration, discoloration and decay. A failure to correct oral problems including small cavities can lead to major destruction of enamel and tissue including severe pain and tooth loss.

A dentist will advise patients on affordable and simple tips for individual healthcare maintenance to develop strong teeth and gums. Techniques introduce the correct ways of brushing and flossing to remove the accumulation of plaque and eliminate the food particles that become lodged between each tooth. This is an easy and cost effective way to prevent cavities and protect the condition of oral tissues.

Specialised tools are incorporated at the clinic to provide a professional clean and reach areas that cannot be achieved with brushing and flossing. A thorough polish and scrape of surrounding teeth will remove the toughest of plaque and tartar that have formed along the gum line. It protects against decay and stains that compromise the healthy condition of all pearly whites.

A dental clinic provides comprehensive oral care assisting in the treatment of tooth and gum ailments. A dentist must be consulted every 6 months to perform a thorough check-up and protect against the formation of cavities, plaque and bacteria. Following daily hygiene steps and visiting a dentist regularly can best protect and enhance the condition of your smile.

It's important to take care of your dental health and get it checked time to time.

Saturday 27 August 2016

Bladder and Urinary Tract Infections and How To Avoid Them

Urinary and bladder infections are far more common than you may think. Fortunately, they are also quite easy to avoid.

What is the Difference between a Urinary Tract Infection and a Bladder Infection?

A urinary tract infection, also more commonly referred to as UTI, is an infection of the urinary tract. It may or may not also include infection in the urethra. This is caused when bacteria enters the urethra, either by touching with fingers or through sexual contact.
A bladder infection is very similar, and often affects the outside portion of the bladder. A bladder infection is also known as cystitis. One of the most common causes of a bladder infection is because the area near the urethra is not clean, either because of poor personal hygiene or through sexual contact with someone who has poor personal hygiene.


Some of the symptoms of a urinary tract infection may be difficulty urinating, having a feeling of fullness or a feeling that the bladder isn't quite empty after urination, burning when urinating, and dark or foul-smelling urine. Often, when the urine is very dark or if there is a slight pinkish tinge to it, this is an indication that there is blood in the urine. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is crucial to get it checked as soon as possible. Painful urination may also be caused by swelling in the urethra.

How to Avoid an Infection

  • One of the best ways to avoid this type of infection is to drink more water. The water will fill your bladder and force you to urinate more often, flushing the urine and more of the infection out of the body.
  • Avoid sugary and caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee, and sodas.
  • Drinking plenty of cranberry juice has is known to reduce symptoms and alleviate pain. Empty the bladder completely upon urination and always wash hands after urinating.
  • It is also best to practice safe sex or avoid sexual contact so that the infection does not become worse or spread to another person. In extreme cases, or in cases in which cystitis may have set in, a doctor may prescribe an oral anti-biotic. If this is the case, it is best to take all the anti-biotic until the infection has cleared.


One of the best ways to prevent a urinary tract infection or bladder infection from occurring is to be clean and to always wash hands after urination. Empty your bladder every time you urinate and clean the affected area as often as possible with clean, warm water and mild soap.

A bladder or urinary tract infection can be a major inconvenience, but with good hygiene and plenty of water, they can be avoided. Always see a doctor if a urinary tract infection is suspected.

Friday 26 August 2016

Understanding Hip Replacement Surgery and its complications

Hip replacement joint surgery is a surgical procedure whereby the damaged parts of hip joint are replaced with prosthetic implants (artificial parts). The hip replacement surgery is categorised into two: Total replacement also referred to as total hip arthroplasty and the hemi or half replacement also referred to as hemiarthroplasty. The total hip replacement involves replacement of both the femoral joint and the acetabulum (hip bone) while the hemiarthroplasty consists of replacing only the femoral head. Nowadays, hip replacement surgery is the most popular orthopaedic operation, although the patient's short term and long term satisfaction varies widely.

When is the right time for a hip replacement surgery?

Hip replacement procedure should be carried out when the hip joint is experiencing painful symptoms that can no longer be controlled through medicinal treatment. Depending on the severity of the hip damage, your surgeon will recommend a total hip replacement or a hemiarthroplasty.

What leads to hip replacement surgery?

Joint failure is the reason why hip replacement is performed. Joint failure can be as a result of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, traumatic arthritis, avascular necrosis, hip fractures, protrusion acetabuli, bone tumours, malignant and benign.

Complications during a hip replacement surgery

  • Nerve damage: The sciatic nerve is at risk of being accidentally surgically cut due to its close proximity to the capsule of the hip joint. This same nerve may also become over-stretched during hip manipulation during surgery. Depending on the extent of the nerve damage, temporary or permanent damage may result. There may be loss of muscle power and feeling in parts of the leg. It may take up to 6 months or more for recovery. Most patients have some numbness around their incision site which may be permanent.
  • Vascular damage: The damage involves direct trauma to the blood vessels in the area of the surgery. The damaged blood vessel can be repaired by a vascular surgeon if it is caught in time.
  • Femur fracture: Force is applied during the surgical procedure. This can result in a femoral shaft fracture, especially in older or osteoporotic patients. Again, the problem is addressed during surgery, but may lead to extended rehabilitation. The surgeon may place weight bearing restrictions while you are walking.
  • Leg length discrepancy: In some cases, it may be difficult to get the exact same leg lengths. The result is usually a longer leg on the surgical hip. It may be unavoidable and deliberate in order to improve muscle function or stabilise the hip. If there is more than a quarter of an inch difference, a shoe lift may be necessary. In some patients, both legs are the exact same length but they think their surgery leg "feels" longer. In most cases this "feeling" goes away as the patient adjusts to their new hip. Rarely does shortening of the leg occur. If the leg is significantly shortened after surgery, it may have dislocated.
  • Anaesthetic complications: Complications can occur, and in rare cases even death. Your anaesthesiologist will explain the risks involved prior to your surgery.

Complications after hip replacement surgery

  • Blood Clots: This is one of the most common complications after hip replacement. The most common area is in the calf. Increased leg pain is usually the most obvious symptom. Redness around the area of the clots may also occur. It's a minor problem if the clots stay in the leg. But if they dislodge, they can reach the lungs (pulmonary embolism) and can possibly result in death (very rarely). If your surgeon suspects blood clots, he will immediately order an ultrasound to confirm or rule out clots. Most surgeons will order bed rest until the test results come back positive or negative for blood clots. He will prescribe a blood thinner. Compression boots and ankle/leg exercises help reduce the chance of blood clots.
  • Infection: Infection can occur during surgery or develop afterwards. It is one of the most serious risks to the joint replacement. If the infection settles deep into the joint and surrounding tissues, the new joint often has to be removed until the infection clears with treatment. If the patient develops an infection elsewhere in the body (bladder, teeth, chest), it must be controlled to prevent the possibility of it spreading through the blood to the new joint. If you have rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes, or have been taking cortisone for a long time, you are more prone to infection in the weeks following your surgery. Infection can occur many years after the surgery. Bacteria can travel through the bloodstream from an infection in other parts of your body (bladder infection, infected wound, kidney infection). Oral antibiotics may need to be taken before and after routine dental work years after your hip replacement operation.
  • Hip dislocation: The first six weeks after hip replacement is the most vulnerable time for your new hip. During this period, muscle tension is the only thing holding the metal ball in the socket. If the metal ball slips out of the socket, it's dislocated. As the hip muscles regain their strength and scar tissue forms around the ball, the risk of hip dislocation diminishes.
  • Bowel complications: Constipation frequently occurs for the first week or so after surgery. This can be caused by medication, immobility, loss of appetite, not drinking enough fluids. Stool softeners or enemas may be needed.
  • Loosening of the prosthesis: The harder your bones are, the longer your hip replacement will last. Hard bones create a stronger bond. People with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis are more at risk. Running and heavy impact activities can also loosen the bond of the implant. Keep your weight down, as this will put more stress on the hip joint. Every pound you gain adds three pounds of force on your hip. Choose a surgeon who has performed many hip replacements. Talk to some of his previous patients to see how they are doing after their hip replacement.

Most people who undergo hip replacement surgery will never need to replace their artificial joint. But because more and more people are having hip replacements at a younger age, the wearing away of the joint surface can create problems. After 15-20 years of wear and tear, replacement (revision surgery) of the artificial joint is becoming more common. Revision surgery does not have as good an outcome as the initial surgery. Remember to consider all the hip replacement complications before you decide on surgery.

Thursday 25 August 2016

It’s Lord Krishna’s Birthday- 10 things to know about Janmashtami

Janmashtami is one of the India's most popular festivals celebrated across the country with great zest and zeal, to commemorate the birth of Lord Krishna. Considered one of the most powerful human incarnations of Lord Vishnu, Krishna was born around 5,200 years ago in Mathura. The sole objective of Lord Krishna's birth was to free the Earth from the evilness of demons. He played an important role in Mahabharata and propagated the theory of bhakti and good karma. 

10 important facts about Janmashtami

  1. The festival of Janmashtami also referred to as Krishna Janmashtami, Saatam Aatham, Gokulashtami, Ashtami Rohini or Srikrishna Jayanti marks the birthday of Lord Krishna, one of the most powerful human incarnations of Lord Vishnu. 
  2. According to the Hindu calendar, this religious festival is observed on the eighth day after the full moon of Shravana. It is believed that Lord Krishna took birth at midnight on the ashtami or the 8th day of the Krishnapaksha in the Hindu month of Shravan (August-September).
  3. On Janmashtami, a lot of devotees of Lord Krishna observe a fast for the whole day and night, worship him and listen to his tales, recite hymns from the Gita, sing devotional songs, and chant the mantras.
  4. As per Hindu mythology, Lord Krishna was born inside Mathura jail on a dark, windy and rainy night. The doors of the jail opened mysteriously, and his father Vasudev, who was imprisoned by Krishna's uncle (mama) Kansa, was released.
  5. All over India, this festival is celebrated with great pomp and show. Krishna's birthplace Mathura and Vrindavan observe this day with an unmatched zeal and grandeur. Raslilas or religious plays are performed to recreate incidents from the life of Krishna and to commemorate his love for Radha. 
  6. Song and dance mark the celebration of this festive occasion. At midnight, the statue of infant Krishna is bathed and placed in a cradle, which is rocked, amidst the blowing of conch shells and the ringing of bells.
  7. In Maharashtra, thousands of people come out on the streets on Janmashtami to enact the "Dahi Handi " (stealing of  curd) episode from Krishna's childhood. Large earthen pots with butter are kept at great heights in the middle of the roads, and pyramids of volunteers try to break the pots to win prizes.
  8. While the Raslila recreates the flirtatious aspects of Krishna's youthful days, the Dahi Handi celebrates God's playful and mischievous side.
  9. The town of Dwarka in Gujarat, Krishna's own land, comes alive with major celebrations as hordes of visitors flock to the town.
  10. Janmashtami being one of the most popular festivals for the Hindu community, this auspicious day is not only celebrated in India but also observed worldwide across many countries with great enthusiasm.

Lazoi Lifecare wishes everyone Happy Janmashtami! 

Wednesday 24 August 2016

How to come out of depression effectively

Depression is a prolonged feeling of sadness, fear, hopelessness, anxiety, anger, guilt, helplessness and emptiness. The person suffering from depression may lose interest in the activities that once used to excite him. They might have problems in making decisions, remembering details and face relationship difficulties. They may even attempt or commit suicide.

A person going through depression might be suffering from insomnia, excessive sleeping, fatigue, digestive problems, loss of energy and enthusiasm.

There is a wide spectrum of things or events which can cause depressions. Some serious hardships during childhood like loss of a loved one, sexual or physical abuse can lead to depression in the later stages of life. Certain changes in human body like the menopause, childbirth, certain medical diagnosis (cancer, HIV); certain medication can be the cause of a depressed mood.

Chronic use of certain drugs of abuse including alcohol, sedatives, and opioids like heroin could aggravate the problem. Financial problems, job related issues, bullying, jealousy, and separation, social isolations are among the other reasons which make people vulnerable to depression.

When you're depressed, it can feel as if you will never be able to get out of this trap. However even the most severe depressions are treatable. If your depression is not allowing you to lead a normal life, don't hesitate to seek help. There are many effective treatments from therapy to medication to healthy lifestyle changes that can help you get better. Here are a few depression treatment tips that can be of great help but keep in mind that there is no "one size fits all" treatment. What is beneficial for one person might not work for the other, so plan accordingly. Remember there is no hard and fast rule to treat depression.

  • Try to find the root cause of your depression: It is important to know whether your depression is due to an underlying medical condition or some personal problem and then try to find the treatment accordingly.
  • Don't rely on medication alone: it can help you treat the symptoms of depression for short or moderate term, but usually not suitable for long term use. You can ask for professional help.
  • Get social support: start sharing your problem with your friends, family or you can even join some support groups. Joining a support group is a great idea because all the members there can easily relate to your problem and can help you get better by sharing their personal experiences.
  • Exercise: lifestyle changes like doing regular exercise can be as effective as medication. During exercise a number of chemicals like endorphins, serotonins are released inside the brains which help you feel good. Even a 30-60 minutes workout can do wonders. Going for a walk in nature, spending time amongst the plants and trees have also benefited people suffering from depression.
  • Nutrition: Eating a healthy and balanced diet will help you stay energetic the whole day and would avoid frequent mood swings. People who are constantly on a diet are usually very irritable and tend to look at things negatively, that is because we need a certain amount of good fat for our brain cells to function properly and when we are devoid of the same our whole system goes into low energy leading to a depressive frame of mind.
  • Sleep: Sleep directly affects your mood. Sleep deprivation exacerbates irritability, moodiness, sadness, and fatigue. Make it very sure that you take at least seven hours of sleep a day.

An estimated 350 million people of all ages suffer from depression globally. Half of the people suffering from this disorder don't seek any medical or professional help because of the societal stigma associated with it. Our society need to be a little open minded and should accept them the way they are.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

How to Avoid Child Obesity

Children of any age do not feed themselves; they don't go to the supermarket and buy their food. They do not decide on the weekly menu. They do not buy sodas or artificial snacks; they eat what you, as a parent, give them to eat. We all know that school meals lack a lot in nutrition and are abundant on carbohydrates. As parents we also know that many times it has been easier to buy fast food on the way home after a tough day than it is to cook something nutritious and healthy. We are responsible for our children's well-being; it is our hands to prevent our child from becoming a diabetic at an early age.

There are things you can do before it is too late, now is the time to do them. There isn't much you can do about the school menu, but you can speak with the person in charge of the cafeteria to keep your child away from the mashed potatoes and fried food. Ask this person to help you by giving your child salad, fruit and food which has little or no fat and carbohydrates. If this does not work, pack him a lunch to take to school. A little sacrifice on your part will go a long way for your child's health.

Plan your dinner menus ahead of time. Keep the carbohydrates down and add more fresh products like salad and less pasta and fatty foods. We know you are tired after a long day at work so program to do part of the week's cooking on Saturday or Sunday, put it in the fridge so all you have to do is warm it up and serve. This will save you preparation time and will be easier on your tired feet and brain. Avoid second servings for the children and taking their dinner to their rooms. Dinner at the table allows for family time and it also permits you to control food intake.

If your kids do not like sports, it is fine too. Take them for a walk in the park, or cruise the mall with them for half an hour to one hour. Believe it or not, walking is a great exercise and calorie burner. Keep a tight control over games, computers and television sets, assign your children shores in the garden and pay them a little something when these shores are done. The exercise, the sun, the job and payment will do wonders for their spirits and bodies too. You have to be creative to keep them on the move, hibernating or hanging out on a cushion or bed is bad for them. Plan trips to the local museum or amusement park, or swimming pool; make them walk, make them move around, exercise is the key to health.

Sweets, junk food and sodas are your greatest enemies. Do not keep them at home, this does not mean you will never eat or drink them; sure you can, but do it occasionally and not as a routine. Kids do not need dessert every night, leave it for special occasions. They do not need sodas, sodas do not even quench your thirst, help them to get used to drinking water, lots of water every day. The same thing goes for junk food; leave it for the times you are out of the house, at the mall, or the movies anywhere but inside your house. Teach your kids to eat well and they will live well.

Go the extra mile today and your children will get used to good food and drink. They will grow stronger and feel better when they exercise and spend time outdoors. They will learn to manage their time better and will become better students and will communicate better with you and between themselves when they lose that horrible addiction to video games and television. Restraining their gaming and television watching time will help them to learn communication and interaction skills they do not need now because they communicate with machines, not people.

It is not easy and we know that the younger generations have fallen into a lethal trap. They have lost their ability to express feelings and to communicate thoughts. If this goes on for too long it is possible that they will not speak or think anymore. They themselves will become machines. Some of horrible episodes we see today on the news have started with a lonely kid who is locked within himself and his mind; a kid who hates himself because he is fat or different from his peers. This is the age of communication, it is true, but we should be communicating between us not with machines. We should use all these contraptions to improve human communication not loneliness.

Monday 22 August 2016

Lazoi Lifecare takes online doctor appointment booking mobile

Lazoi Lifecare today announced the launch of a mobile application, a free integrated tool that allows patients to book online appointments with their chosen doctor via an Apple iPhone or Android device. The new application, available through the Apple iPhone “App Store” and “Google Play,” takes online doctor appointment booking services to the next level, where patients can easily search doctors as per their location, experience, consultation fees etc from over 60,000 medical professionals and instantly book appointment.

“The mobile app is a digital gateway to the many services we offer at Lazoi Lifecare,” said Mr. Suvro Ghosh, CEO and Founder, Lazoi Lifecare Pvt. Ltd. “”We continue to use advanced technology to engage patients while reforming their know-how within our health system.”

Some of the interesting features of the mobile application include:

  • Find doctors and book an appointment quickly for any speciality. Select from 60K+ doctors from 75+ super specialities.
  • Access doctor’s professional information such as appointment timings, place of practice, visiting hours, consultation charges etc.
  • Easy payment options through online payment gateway, i.e. debit/credit card, net banking.

“We're always looking for ways to save patients’ time and enhance their experience with the doctors- and that starts with this mobile application.” said Mr. Suvro Ghosh. “This Android and iPhone mobile app is a fast and user-friendly option to book appointment with the doctors when you're on the go- in a matter of few taps. We are always looking for creative platforms to give our patients all healthcare solutions under a single umbrella. The app will connect patients with our prominent doctors while empowering them to impeccably pursue their healthcare requirements.”

In upcoming months, the app will introduce additional features such as online diagnostic lab test booking, online purchase of medicines, online consultation with the doctors and many more. 

Sunday 21 August 2016

Vital Tips for Couples Struggling to Conceive

There comes a point in the year, when, after trying for so long, you still aren't getting pregnant. If you have systematically been following your ovulation cycle with no success as yet, then you may be disheartened. There is no worse feeling than thinking you may not be able to have children. The path to success lies in evaluating every option open to you - and proceeding with the choices that are best for you.

Fertility treatment has come along leaps and bounds in the past 30 years. There are now so many options when it comes to fertility doctors and clinics that you may feel like you don't even know where to start.

Fortunately, you can follow below steps to start you on your journey. Once you've had a read, make an appointment with your infertility specialist to chat further about the options open to you.


The first port of call when having fertility issues is to chat with a professional who is skilled in the area. They can help you with doubts, questions and misconceptions that you may have to do with fertility and IVF.

Lifestyle changes

Our lives these days have a lot of external stressors involved. Whether it's mental health or physical health, they can both have effects on both male and female fertility. There may be medications that are affecting your fertility too. Chatting with a trained professional will help in determining which, if any, lifestyle changes you should think about making if you'd like to increase the chances of conceiving.

Hormone therapy

For those women experiencing problems with egg development and subsequent release, hormone therapy can be a good way to coax the egg along it's intended path. For further information, again, chat with a professional at the fertility centre.


IVF is often thought of as a cost prohibitive procedure, but this isn't necessarily true - costs have dropped significantly across the years. IVF costs are a lot lower than they used to be, and many couples experience success with this technique who wouldn't otherwise have been able to conceive naturally.

Experiencing fertility problems can cause a lot of stress and heartache - but it's best to think of it as a challenge that can be overcome. Visiting an infertility specialist will give you all the information you need to make informed decisions about the future and your body, so don't be afraid to book an appointment.

Saturday 20 August 2016

7 Foods That Every Expectant Mother Should Avoid

Whenever one finds out that she is pregnant, there is a lot of joy that comes with that. The family also comes up with safety measures and daily routines that will keep her and the baby safe including a change of diet. Although you need to eat a bit more than before, you have to be very careful of your food choices during pregnancy and below are some of those foods that are not recommended at this time.


Pineapples are rich in minerals and vitamins, with some that can even cure stomach infections, but they are not safe for your pregnancy. It is believed that they can cause a miscarriage, especially in the early stages of the pregnancy. Furthermore, they have an element known as bromelain that causes diarrhoea.

Unripe Papaya

Papaya and fruits, in general, have to be washed before you eat because they have parasites on the surface. Unripe papaya is even worse since it can lead to uterine contraction that may harm the baby. If you must eat this fruit, then make sure it is ripe.


No matter how much you love meat, you have to put your unborn baby first and avoid it. This is because meat has coliform bacteria and salmonella that is not suitable for pregnant women. Freshly cooked meat is fine, but you have to be wary of reheated meat because it may contain harmful Listeria.


Not all fish are bad. In fact, having it in your daily diet is perfect for you and the baby, but you should avoid sea fish due to its mercury content. If this mercury builds up in the body, it will harm not only your brain and nerves but also the unborn baby.

Cigarettes and Alcohol

For a long time, smoking and alcohol have been known to cause a host of health issues. You need to avoid them, especially when pregnant, to avoid hindering the development of the baby's brain.

Milk and Juice

Pasteurised milk and yogurt are the only exceptions when it comes to milk for pregnant mothers. Anything else with raw milk is not safe including cheese. If you have to take juice then ensure that it is also pasteurised.


It is recommended that you take only a cup of tea, coffee or chocolate a day. Going beyond that robs you the all-important sleep that you need. Too much caffeine can also cause abortion and also inhibit normal weight gain in the child.

You must be careful when pregnant, and above foods need to be avoided at all costs. On top of that, change your routine and habits to ensure that you and the baby are safe.

Friday 19 August 2016

Everything you need to know about eating disorders

We live in a strange world. It seems that everyone has to be skinny to be beautiful. And the constant popping up of new trendy diets (usually bad diets) almost every week that promises you'll lose weight fast, it might seem anyone can lose weight quickly and without many efforts. The problem with these diets is that they tend to be ineffective and they might even be dangerous for your health, both on short and long term.

There are many products in the market, and many marketing campaigns designed exactly to convince you to give these products and diets a try. From diet pills, juice cleanses lists of good foods vs. bad foods for weight loss to supplements that replace or boost natural ingredients. And what may simply start as a way to lose just a few kilos, it may quickly turn out into an eating disorder.

Eating disorders are very serious and can, in some cases, even cause death. They cause severe problems to your eating behaviours and they need to be treated.

Eating disorders are more commonly developed during teenage and young adult years, and they are more common among girls and women. Although no one knows exactly what causes them, researchers believe it's a mix of behavioural, biological, psychological, genetic, and social factors. They also usually coexist with depression, trouble coping with emotions, anxiety, low self-esteem and substance abuse.

There are some signs and symptoms people experience when they have an eating disorder:

  • Continue with a strict diet even when they are already underweight.
  • If someone keeps gaining and losing weight, constantly.
  • When someone is obsessed with calorie counting.
  • Some people just cut their food into tiny little pieces and avoid eating when they are with others. This might be another sign of an eating disorder.
  • If they try to avoid family and friends; they just tend to become isolated.
  • When people are depressed.

This might help you find out if someone you know has this problem and helping him/her look for a treatment.

When you hear about eating disorders, there are mainly three that are referred: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder.

Anorexia Nervosa

When someone has anorexia nervosa, they usually see themselves as overweight, even if they are under-weight. You can identify this mental illness if you notice the person just keeps weighting, eat a small amount of food and are very pick with certain foods.

Anorexia nervosa can cause menstruation to stop, loss of skin integrity, bone loss, and even increases the heart problems risk. It has the highest mortality rate amid all mental disorders and it's not only because of complications associated with starvation. On extreme situations anorexia can be the cause that leads to suicide.

Bulimia Nervosa

When someone has bulimia nervosa, they usually eat a lot of food, and just can't help themselves. After that, they feel so guilty about what they've done and just force vomiting. Others even go further: they practice too much exercise, take diuretics and laxatives, or a combination of both.

The problem in recognising someone suffers from bulimia nervosa is that these people usually maintain their weight. So, unless you are around them for long periods during the day, you might not even be aware they have this problem.

Binge Eating Disorder

Binge eating disorder is related with bulimia nervosa. The difference is that when someone suffers from binge eating, they just eat without having any control. But they won't vomit or take any medicine after it. So, they are usually obese or overweight.