Wednesday 24 August 2016

How to come out of depression effectively

Depression is a prolonged feeling of sadness, fear, hopelessness, anxiety, anger, guilt, helplessness and emptiness. The person suffering from depression may lose interest in the activities that once used to excite him. They might have problems in making decisions, remembering details and face relationship difficulties. They may even attempt or commit suicide.

A person going through depression might be suffering from insomnia, excessive sleeping, fatigue, digestive problems, loss of energy and enthusiasm.

There is a wide spectrum of things or events which can cause depressions. Some serious hardships during childhood like loss of a loved one, sexual or physical abuse can lead to depression in the later stages of life. Certain changes in human body like the menopause, childbirth, certain medical diagnosis (cancer, HIV); certain medication can be the cause of a depressed mood.

Chronic use of certain drugs of abuse including alcohol, sedatives, and opioids like heroin could aggravate the problem. Financial problems, job related issues, bullying, jealousy, and separation, social isolations are among the other reasons which make people vulnerable to depression.

When you're depressed, it can feel as if you will never be able to get out of this trap. However even the most severe depressions are treatable. If your depression is not allowing you to lead a normal life, don't hesitate to seek help. There are many effective treatments from therapy to medication to healthy lifestyle changes that can help you get better. Here are a few depression treatment tips that can be of great help but keep in mind that there is no "one size fits all" treatment. What is beneficial for one person might not work for the other, so plan accordingly. Remember there is no hard and fast rule to treat depression.

  • Try to find the root cause of your depression: It is important to know whether your depression is due to an underlying medical condition or some personal problem and then try to find the treatment accordingly.
  • Don't rely on medication alone: it can help you treat the symptoms of depression for short or moderate term, but usually not suitable for long term use. You can ask for professional help.
  • Get social support: start sharing your problem with your friends, family or you can even join some support groups. Joining a support group is a great idea because all the members there can easily relate to your problem and can help you get better by sharing their personal experiences.
  • Exercise: lifestyle changes like doing regular exercise can be as effective as medication. During exercise a number of chemicals like endorphins, serotonins are released inside the brains which help you feel good. Even a 30-60 minutes workout can do wonders. Going for a walk in nature, spending time amongst the plants and trees have also benefited people suffering from depression.
  • Nutrition: Eating a healthy and balanced diet will help you stay energetic the whole day and would avoid frequent mood swings. People who are constantly on a diet are usually very irritable and tend to look at things negatively, that is because we need a certain amount of good fat for our brain cells to function properly and when we are devoid of the same our whole system goes into low energy leading to a depressive frame of mind.
  • Sleep: Sleep directly affects your mood. Sleep deprivation exacerbates irritability, moodiness, sadness, and fatigue. Make it very sure that you take at least seven hours of sleep a day.

An estimated 350 million people of all ages suffer from depression globally. Half of the people suffering from this disorder don't seek any medical or professional help because of the societal stigma associated with it. Our society need to be a little open minded and should accept them the way they are.

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