Tuesday 2 August 2016

Is Green Tea Really Good for You?

Green tea has been used by the Chinese since ancient times but the rest of the world has woken up to its health benefits just recently. It has been immensely hyped by health experts and nutritionists. A few researchers though have managed to prove that green tea is indeed, good for you. After a decade of research on green tea and its health and medicinal benefits, they have managed to list its numerous benefits. Let us find out more about them.

What are the ingredients of green tea?

The various health benefits of green tea can be attributed to the ingredients that it contains. The most important ingredient that it contains is a plant substance known as polyphenol. These plant chemicals, also known as phytochemicals are a rich source of antioxidants. Also, it contains six types of polyphenols known as catechins. One of these catechins, known as Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a very active and beneficial one. It also contains alkaloids like caffeine that are beneficial to health when consumed in small quantities. Other ingredients include vitamins A, B1, B12, K, E, C, U and P, tannin (flavonols), magnesium, theophylline, theanine, theobromine, fat, wax, saponins, essential oils, carotene, vitamin C, fluoride, iron, zinc, calcium, strontium, selenium, copper and nickel. It also contains gallic acid, quinic acid, soluble dietary fibre and some amounts of carbohydrates and other minerals.

Health Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

The fact that green tea has numerous health benefits, as compared to tea or coffee, is non-debatable. Let us find out what exactly are these benefits.

  • Maintains blood pressure: The antioxidants that it contains, reduces the harmful effects of the fats and oils consumed. It lowers cholesterol and helps to maintain normal blood pressure levels. It raises the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) over bad cholesterol (LDL).
  • Prevents cancer: Green tea has cancer-preventive properties that work against the development of cancerous cells.
  • Helps in weight loss: Green tea can help greatly in the weight loss process due to the various essential properties that it contains. It is also beneficial in maintaining optimum weight and controlling excessive weight gain.
  • Beneficial for immune system: It boosts the immune system and also helps to rectify the immune system disorder. It even fights the allergies present in one's body.
  • Improves digestive system: Green tea is extremely good for the digestive system and prevents all kinds of digestive disorders. It is especially helpful in relieving constipation.
  • Promotes cardiovascular health: It helps to prevent heart-related disorders like heart attacks and blockages in the blood vessels and arteries of the heart. It also decreases the risk of coronary heart diseases and reduces blood clots.
  • Acts as an antibacterial agent: Green tea eliminates the harmful bacteria from the intestines and increases the number of good bacteria, thus maintaining good digestive health.
  • Prevents diabetes: Green tea helps to control blood sugar levels, thereby preventing diabetes.
  • Ensures mental health: It increases mental awareness and prevents cognitive disorders. It helps to eliminate stress and promotes overall relaxation.
  • Fights against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease: The antioxidants in green tea do not allow the development of a toxic protein called amyloid fibrils which results in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
  • Acts as an antidepressant: Consumption of green tea acts like an antidepressant by decreasing the levels of cortisol which is a stress hormone. It also accelerates neurotransmitters which help in increasing the positive emotions and reducing the negative emotions. This helps in getting rid of depression.
  • Enhances beauty: Green tea also promotes healthy hair and skin. It gives a wrinkle-free complexion by slowing down the process of ageing.
  • Guards oral health: It helps to prevent tooth decay, gum diseases and various other dental disorders. It also helps to maintain an overall good dental health.
  • Restores DNA: Green tea has antioxidants (catechins) which search for free radicals in cells and stops them from damaging the DNA.
  • Averts rheumatoid arthritis: The EGCG compound in green tea decreases the joint damage and pain by stopping a chemical reaction that leads to rheumatoid arthritis.

Apart from this, green tea also helps to prevent thrombosis, stroke, insomnia, bad breath, fatigue and helps to maintain vitality and vigour.

Who Should Not Consume Green Tea

Though green tea has many health benefits it has considerable amounts of caffeine. Green tea can also affect the impact of some medicines drastically. Hence, some medical researchers claim that if you are suffering from any of the following health conditions, then consumption of green tea is not advisable.

Green tea can be consumed hot or as iced tea around thrice a day. It is best consumed with a little honey, which eliminates its bitter taste. As with everything else, it should be consumed in moderate levels as over consumption may have adverse effects.

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