Wednesday 11 May 2016

Psychiatrists can help you deal with fears

There’s no denying the fact that children have fears, albeit different kinds. Fear is just like any other emotion such as love, happiness, sadness. Children are fearless but as they grow and develop, their curiosity levels also develop side by side. They get to know the probable dangers of certain objects, actions and the reason behind them. As they plug these connections, their alertness makes them vigilant and scared. 

Psychiatrists have observed that these fears are prevalent in children, basically those for whom feeding and toilet mannerisms are arduous issues, or those who have domineering parents or those who are asked not to do certain things. However, with a little help and counselling, they will gradually come out of these fears.

Let us have a look at some of the known fears:

A child fearing from the dark is a common sight. This is also the most common forms in grown-ups too. If your child suffers from the same, make him indulge in some games. You can turn on the lights or keep the door open while he’s asleep. Keep him occupied with different activities throughout the day so that he gets no time to think about the fear. Consequently, he will steadily understand there is nothing to fear.

We often see children become fearful of things like dogs, cats, cockroaches, water, fire, and more. It is uncertain whether the child has a regretful and dampening encounter with such things. Being a parent, if you force your child to confront these things, it may reciprocate. Give him some time; he’ll outgrow this fear all by himself.

Psychiatrists say fear of death and dying can have lasting effects on children, if not taken care off in early stages. Being children, they don’t understand why people die. It is essential on the part of parents to explain why it happens and what happens after a person dies. This will give them a sense of surety and they will feel better. Parents need to maintain a casual environment and tell their kids they will be around for years.

It’s usual for infants and toddlers to develop a sense of ‘separation fear’, although it is inappropriate for teenagers and adults. They may demonstrate symptoms of separation anxiety disorder. Children with ‘separation fear’ may not leave their parents and have issues sleeping by themselves. They stay close to their parents making it difficult to attend school. The ‘separation fear’ may lead to nausea, dizziness, etc.

Psychiatrists have sighted depression symptoms such as sadness, boredom associated with such children. They are in a constant fear that either they or their family members will die. Here, ever-day counselling by parents works wonders as they can teach how to overcome such fears. 

These guidelines will help your child deal with fear and anxiety:
  • Identify the fear is for real however frivolous it may look. If it feels real to your child and causing her to be apprehensive. Being able to discuss about fears can help.
  • Never deride fear a way of forcing the child to conquer it. It can prove counter-productive. 
  • As with all emotions, fear becomes less of an issue for children as they gain self-belief and discover that they can overcome fear all by themselves.
  •  Some fears are normal, but too many of them can make you think. In this scenario, you must visit a psychiatrist who can check if medical assistance is needed or not. 

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