Friday 20 May 2016

Complexities of Laparoscopic Surgery

What are the issues related to laparoscopic surgeries?

As with any surgical procedure, laparoscopy too possesses probable risk of anaesthesia overdose and operation. Contrary to popular belief, it would be an understatement that laparoscopic procedures are completely risk free. Complexities of laparoscopy may be classified according to multiple phases of the procedure. Issues related to introduction of pneumoperitoneum and placing of laparoscope involves cardiac arrhythmias, perforation of a hollow viscus, and piercing of solid organ, bleeding, and subcutaneous emphysema. However, the probability of complications arising in a laparoscopic procedure is very less.

What is the most common impediment post laparoscopic surgery?

Infection is a prevalent issue regarding any surgical procedure. In laparoscopic procedure, the chances of getting an infection is close to negligible but studies have shown it can happen after the laparoscopic surgery is over. This issue is not related to the laparoscopic technique but much depends on the hospital environment and settings. Bowel injury is the second most common cause of despair after laparoscopic surgery.

What are laparoscopic surgery specific complications?

Damage to bowel and blood vessels is specifically related to the technique of laparoscopic surgery. There is a minute chance of getting injury to intestines, abdominal organs, and urinary bladder. Inexperience on the part of the surgeon is a major cause of such medical accidents. If the problem is stern, another surgery may be required with larger incision either to control blood flow or repair an injury that cannot be fixed by laparoscopy. In case of mild complications, antibiotic medication is sufficient to overcome the problem. Issues will happen even with experienced surgeons, but the frequency is less.

When you should realize that there is something wrong?

If patient suffers from fever, puking, chills, unable to pass urine, develops redness near the injected area, or if the discomfort is deteriorating, soreness of abdomen, patient must contact their surgeon immediately.

In which conditions laparoscopic surgery is inadvisable?

Although laparoscopy has come up leaps and bounds overtime, factors like non-cooperative patient, non-correctable defects, heart failure, respiratory problems or presence of distended bowel make it highly imprudent. Most surgeons would not suggest laparoscopy for patients with pre-existing disease conditions. Moreover, patients with cardiovascular diseases and COPD should not be considered good candidates for laparoscopy. Also, people with abdominal surgery done in the past should not go for laparoscopy. Old age people are at greater risk of developing complications with local anaesthesia.

What precautions a patient should take?

  • A patient should not eat or drink at least 6-8 hours before the operation.
  • Test reports of all the examinations such as blood, urine, x-ray etc. should be present as they may be required by the surgeon.
  • A detailed discussion is required if the patient is on certain medications. For e.g. if you take aspirin, ibuprofen, blood thinners, you must consult your doctor first.   

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