Tuesday 10 May 2016


Our bones form the basic structure of our body and support it. As we age, bone density starts decreasing, resulting in bones getting porous and weak. This is a natural process and every human body experiences after 30 years of age. Here are 7 ways to improve your bone health so you don’t fall prey to osteoporosis or fractures.

Daily dose of calcium
The single most important thing needed for maintaining healthy bones is calcium. Calcium aids muscle function, nerve transmission and hormonal secretion. A daily intake of 1,000 mg of calcium is recommended for adults to make sure the depletion in the bones is not severe. Taking supplements is advisable after age 30.

Soak in the sun
You might be taking adequate calcium in your diet, but often this is not supplemented by vitamin D, which is important to enable the body to soak up calcium. Fish products are rich in Vitamin D but soaking in the sun is vital to produce vitamin D in the body. Forget the tension of tan and spend 10-15 minutes in the sun daily.

Exercise is important for the strength of the bones. Weight training is helpful, so are routine exercises like walking and running or indulging in sports.

No smoking/alcohol
Excess alcohol hampers the functioning of vitamin D and can cause loss of bone density. So, if you like to drink every day, restrict it to one glass a day. Smoking is another factor that speeds up bone loss.

Gene trouble
The problem of weak bones often comes with genes. If your mother or father had it, there are chances you will have it, too. So, keep track of your family history of bone health and start check and precautions early, if the history is discouraging.

Bone mineral density
Bone Mineral Density (BMD) is the measure of your bone health. Get a BMD test done to know how dense your bones are. Your orthopaedic can combine the test results with other risk factors and advise you on how to prevent osteoporosis.

Milk/Milk products

Milk is one of the perennial sources of calcium as well as vitamin D. By drinking two glasses of milk on a constant basis, you can get a good dose of calcium daily. 

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