Showing posts with label high blood pressure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label high blood pressure. Show all posts

Thursday, 5 October 2017

High Blood Pressure - These symptoms may mean you have this, so lower do...

High Blood Pressure is defined as high tension in the arteries which are the vessels that carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Anyone whose blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg or more for a sustained period is said to have high blood pressure, or hypertension. People who are determined with high blood pressure should have their blood pressure checked frequently. Even if yours is normal, you should have it checked at least once every five years, and more often if you have any contributory factors. If the High Blood Pressure is not treated or controlled the excessive pressure on the artery walls can lead to damage of the blood vessels (cardiovascular disease), as well as vital organs. The extent of damage depends on two factors; the severity of the High Blood Pressure and how long it goes on for untreated. Even though there is no any cause identified for essential high blood pressure however there is very strong evidence linking some risk factors to the likelihood of developing the condition. Treatment for high blood pressure depends on several factors, such its severity, associated risks of developing stroke or cardiovascular, disease, etc.

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Lower down blood pressure

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle in this 21st century is a big task for the people and particularly for those who have a hectic schedule. Having High Blood Pressure or Hypertension, is a precursor to heart disease. It can lead to heart attack, heart and kidneyfailure, strokes, anxiety or even premature death if not controlled former. Almost 40 percent of total population of the world have been diagnosed and is dealing with High Blood Pressure. It can threaten your life but can also be lowered if taken appropriate care. Medication also helps in improving blood pressure. And you can bring some effective changes to your lifestyle as well that could help in restoring this intrusive ailment.

Tips to lower down blood pressure

There are various types of tips which are advised by doctors to keep your blood pressure in control. 

Some of the common tips are as follows:

Regular exercise: Exercising regularly can really help the one dealing with high blood pressure or hypertension to reduce it to a level. Exercise is one way of countering the detrimental effects of high blood pressure. Vigorous exercise stimulates the production of nitric oxide, which is a substance that keeps the blood vessels open. In the long period, this helps in lowering blood circulation. Regular physical activity for least 30 minutes a day of the week can lower your blood pressure by 4 to 9 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). It's important to be unswerving because if you stop exercising, your blood pressure can rise again.

If you have slightly high blood pressure (pre-hypertension), then exercise can help you to avoid developing full-blown hypertension. If you already have hypertension then regular physical activity can bring your blood pressure down to some safer levels.
The best types of exercises for lowering blood pressure include walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, running or dancing. Strength training also can help to reduce blood pressure. Talk to your doctor about creating an exercise program which will keep you and your blood pressure healthy.
Maintaining a healthy diet:
ü  Eating a diet that is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products and skimps on saturated fat and cholesterol can lower your blood pressure by up to 14 mm Hg.
ü  Cutting out all the caffeine can lower blood pressure by 10-15 points off the top and 8-10 points off the bottom.
ü  Try to cut down all bad eating habits like junk food, unhealthy street foods, more cholesterol prone dines, etc.
ü  Cinnamon helps lower blood pressure as well as circulating blood glucose, triglycerides, and Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.
ü  The goal is to eat low in fat, calories and high in fiber and minerals while cutting down on red meats, sugar and salt.

Limited amount of Alcohol: Consumption of alcohol can both be good or bad depending upon the amount you intake. If you are drinking 2-4 mm hg of alcohol, it might lower the risk of high blood pressure but taking too much of it can threaten that protective effect of lowering it. Drinking more than restrained amounts of alcohol can actually raise blood pressure by several points. Alcohol is good when limited.
Reduce stress level: Chronic stress is an important contributor to high blood pressure. Taking stress occasionally can also contribute to high blood pressure that may result in making your diet unhealthy and ending you up on drinking abnormal amount of alcohol, junk food or maybe smoking. Take 15 to 20 minutes a day to sit quietly and breathe deeply for your mental peace.
Stop that hand for smoking: Smoking kills a person slowly without even knowing. As it is written on the top of the cigarette pack “Smoking is injurious to health” it proofs to be true. Smoking can lead to higher the risk of blood pressure as the nicotine in cigarette smoke is a big part of the problem. It raises your blood pressure and heart rate, narrows your arteries and hardens their walls, and makes your blood more likely to clot. It stresses your heart and sets you up for a heart attack or stroke.

Preventing and monitoring the controlling measures of high blood pressure at home can actually lower the risk of it. Regular checkups from the doctor can actually help. Consult a cardiologist doctor for various home remedies through which can actually lower and control your blood pressure to a level. Supportive family and friends can help in improving your health. They may encourage you to take care of yourself, drive you to the doctor's office or embark on an exercise program with you to keep your blood pressure low. Keep yourself in touch with people who boost up your moral and let you cope up in this condition.

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

What Causes High Blood Pressure? You Should Know About This

High Blood Pressure, What Causes High Blood Pressure, High Blood Pressure causes, High Blood Pressure symptoms, High Blood Pressure treatment, High Blood Pressure remedies, lowering High Blood Pressure, measuring blood pressure

The force exerted by the blood on the arterial walls while flowing from one organ to another is measured as blood pressure (BP). The optimal level of for a healthy adult is about 120/80 mm Hg. However, this level may suffer a dip or rise, owing to lifestyle habits, stress, and other changes in the body. Just as low BP is unhealthy, similarly, a high BP or hypertension can also prove to be risky. A person suffering from hypertension may show the figure as 140/90 mm Hg on a sphygmomanometer, a medical instrument used for measuring blood pressure. If this level rises suddenly, it can be a cause of grave concern, since it may also be an indication for some unhealthy disorders in the body. One of the best ways to prevent this is to go for a routine analysis to a doctor.

List of Causes

The reasons for this condition in women and men are almost similar, i.e., it is experienced due to an increase in the force exerted by the blood on the walls of the blood vessels. There are several other reasons, a few of which are listed below. 

    • One of the most common reasons is anxiety and stress. Episodes of anxiety and stressful conditions can cause your BP to increase suddenly. When the body undergoes stress or anxiety, certain hormones are released that make the heart pump faster, due to constriction of the blood vessels.
    • Another cause for momentary increase can be due to severe pain as a result of injuries. Sudden, stabbing pain can pump up the BP, as well as increase in the heart rate.
    • Pregnancy is one of the factors for experiencing this condition as well. It can be felt due to some complications like pre-eclampsia. This condition, due to fluid retention, can result when the body is unable to regulate pressure, which may result in fluctuations in the BP levels and lead to high BP during pregnancy.
    • Over-consumption of salt can also be one of the vital reasons. Excessive sodium intake may be because of eating too many processed foods and even because of junk food.
    • Weight issues like obesity is also responsible for the drastic increase. Since fat gets clogged in the blood vessels, insufficient blood is supplied to the heart. The heart needs to work extra to suffice the requirement of blood throughout the body, as a result of which there is a sudden rise.
    • A few other causes can be due to hormonal imbalances, excess caffeine intake, drug interactions, and the presence of kidney disease. Elevation is commonly noticed in patients undergoing dialysis.
    • According to a recent research, some doctors have observed that genetics also plays a crucial role when it comes to noticing high blood pressure. Individuals who have a family history of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases are at a higher risk of contraction them when compared to others who have no previous history.


A close observation of the signs and symptoms of this problem will be indicative of the presence of this health disorder. Given below are some of the signs for noticing a spike in the normal level.


Lowering high BP is a must in order to avoid complications which may be life-threatening and also cause fatality in some cases. 

    • Staying away from stress and anxiety will prove to be helpful. One of the best treatments without any side effects is practising meditation and yoga.
    • A change in the lifestyle and following a proper exercise regimen will also help.
    • There are also several natural remedies to prevent it from increasing again.
    • Following a proper diet will also help.

Awareness regarding the dangers of this problem is always productive in avoiding its occurrence. Whatever be the reason, it is essential to regularly monitor the levels so that a rise or drop can be identified and prompt treatment provided.

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Why High Blood Pressure is a Health Concern?

Why High Blood Pressure is a Health Concern?

When the heart pumps blood to circulate it all over the body, a specific amount of force is exerted on the vessels. It is this pressure that is known as blood pressure. When a person has high blood pressure, the heart makes extra efforts for proper circulation of the blood. As a result, sufficient amount of blood may not reach the vital organs of the body. Decrease in oxygen supply prohibits normal functioning of these organs.

Effects of Hypertension

Arteries: Hypertension causes substantial damage to the inner lining of the arteries and can make the flexible arteries of the body, thick and stiff. This condition is known as arteriosclerosis. When dietary fats get absorbed into the blood and move through the arteries with damaged cells, they get collected on the walls of the arteries and narrow down the passage, thus causing atherosclerosis. Due to continuous exertion of high pressure on the damaged blood vessels, walls of the arteries bulge out. This is called aneurysm and it may result in breaking up of the artery walls and cause internal bleeding. These three forms of damage in the arteries can result in certain serious health consequences.

Heart: It adversely affects the heart's health. With an increase in the blood pressure, the heart muscles have to work very hard to carry out their activities. They, in turn, get tensed and weak, and are unable to function properly. The improper functioning of heart muscles may prove fatal, as they can cause heart failure. Also, the extra pressure makes the heart's left ventricle large and stiff. This reduces the capacity of the heart to pump blood. Thus, the risk of a heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest resulting in death is increased. Coronary artery disease narrows down the passage of those arteries that are responsible for supplying blood to the heart muscles. Thus, the free flow of blood becomes difficult and gives rise to pain in the chest muscles (called angina). Sometimes, blood flow through the arteries can be completely or partially blocked due to atherosclerosis. As a result, irregular heart rhythms (or arrhythmias) or heart attacks may occur. The chances of a severe heart attack are more in those people, who have hypertension.

Brain: Like any other organ of our body, proper functioning of the brain is dependent on the nutrients supplied through the blood. When blood pressure rises to an uncontrollable extent, it not only weakens or damages the blood vessels, but also causes blood clots in the arteries of the brain. Due to these clots, supply of oxygen and nutrients to the brain decreases and the brain cells die. This condition is known as a stroke. Furthermore, in a transient ischemic attack (TIA), also known as mini stroke, blood supply to the brain is temporarily disrupted due to atherosclerosis. Dementia is a form of brain disease in which thinking, reasoning, vision, and movements are affected because of blockage or narrowing down of the arteries.

Kidneys: The main function of the kidneys is to throw out the waste material from the body. There are tiny blood vessels in the kidneys, which are known as glomeruli. They are responsible for filtering the fluid and waste present in our blood. High blood pressure can render them ineffective and lead to a type of kidney damage known as glomerulosclerosis. Similarly, when arteries that lead to the kidneys are damaged, the kidneys fail to filter out the unwanted material from the bloodstream and this is termed as kidney failure. Accumulation of these substances in the blood is a serious health concern. Sometimes, dialysis or akidney transplant may be required to treat this health condition. Another kidney disorder that arises due to high blood pressure is kidney (renal) artery aneurysm, which is the formation of a bulge on the weakened artery wall.

The biggest problem is that high blood pressure does not have any signs and symptoms from which it can be detected. It can be diagnosed only when the blood pressure of a person is checked to identify other health problems.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Complications of Having High Blood Pressure

A complication is defined as concurrent disease, accident, or adverse reaction that aggravates the original disease. Prolonged hypertension adds injuries to:

  • Heart
  • Kidneys
  • Brain
  • Retina
  • Vascular System

Hypertensive Heart Disease

Persistent elevation of blood pressure harms the whole heart or parts of it. As a result, the individual may end up with hypertensive heart disease such as left ventricular hypertrophy which refers to the growing of the left side of the heart, or, ends up with cardiac arrhythmias due to damage to the conduction system. As well, elevated blood pressure may contribute to coronary artery disease where the arteries of the heart itself may be damaged or unable to supply enough oxygen to the heart muscle or myocardium. Last but not least, when the heart labours under abnormal conditions, it is forced to work more than usual and eventually becomes bigger and starts to have greater difficulty supplying blood, oxygen and nutrients to peripheral organs and tissues; this condition is known as congestive heart failure.

Blood Pressure and Kidneys

At some point, blood flows through the kidneys by means of small arteries that wind up in an intricate and fascinating structure called the glomerulus where the process of blood filtration occurs. Blood passes with an exact increased pressure through the glomerular tuft, in order to sift the unwanted material. The glomerulus is part of the filter unit called nephron. There are more than a million nephrons in each kidney. They are in charge of the filtration of chemicals, toxins, water, and unwanted materials from blood. Kidneys regulate the balance of water and chemicals in the body. Prolonged high blood pressure disrupts the normal function of filtration that eventually causes damage to the kidney, generating a condition known as chronic renal disease. Appropriate kidney function is crucial for life to be continued.

Hypertension and Effects on the Brain

Prolonged high blood pressure levels affect the small arteries in the brain resulting in lesions that bleed into it. As a result, the individual is at serious risk of having a stroke caused by either haemorrhage or a formation of a clot; this condition is known as thrombosis or embolism which profoundly affects the quality of life of the individual.

Hypertension and Impact on Retina

Blood flows through the retina by means of tiny, small arteries and veins that run in the back of your eye. Like other vessels they, as well, can be damaged by high blood pressure. This condition is known as retinopathy. Other changes can result from accumulation of fluid under the retina, and block of the blood flow to the optic nerve; as a result, you could bleed within your eye or have vision loss.

Hypertension and Impact on Vascular System

The vascular system consists of arteries and veins. Arteries are the ones that carry the blood under pressure to nurture the tissues. A healthy artery is flexible, strong, and elastic with a smooth inside lining. If you have high blood pressure, you may end up with lesions to the smooth inside lining of the arteries. Consequently, the blood is not freely flowing due to the hardening of the arteries, condition known as arteriosclerosis. Besides, the fat from your diet enters your bloodstream, and the fat starts to collect in the arteries, causing a disorder known as atherosclerosis. In this condition, atheroma, which is fat collection, may block blood flow to any organ in your body, such as heart, brain, kidneys, arms, and legs. On the other hand, the constant high pressure of blood might weaken a section of an artery wall generating a condition called aneurysm, which is the bulging of a part of an artery. The potential rupture of an aneurysm is a grave life-threatening internal bleeding condition.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

High Blood Pressure and Its Connection With Sleep

One in every three adults is reported to have a problem of high blood pressure and two of three people with diabetes are estimated to have it too.

High Blood Pressure is often termed as a "silent killer"- as you would not know about it until your doctor figures it out when you give a visit to him.

Hypertension can also lead to risk factors like heart attack and heart failure, as with this serious condition, the heart cannot pump enough blood required by the body. In addition to this, this has serious implications on:

  • The Brain: High BP (Hypertension) is considered as the most critical risk factor for stroke.
  • Vision: It may even cause blurred or impaired vision or even worse, as could result in blindness also.
  • Arteries: Plague build-up in arteries could also be one of the reasons for hypertension as this will make your heart and kidney work harder.
  • Kidneys: It can also lead to narrow blood vessels in kidneys due to which kidneys don't function properly and toxins builds up in the blood.

Are there any warning signs of High blood pressure?

Well, in most of the cases, there are rarely any symptoms. People usually relate it to increased levels of stress, nervousness and tension, but the truth is that even a relaxed person can have high blood pressure.

So instead of assuming on your own, the best way to know if you have hypertension is by getting it checked by your health care provider. This should be done regularly as this disease of elevated blood pressure can develop over time. Prompt treatment of it can also reduce your risk of stroke, heart failure, kidney failure and heart attack.

High blood pressure and sleep apnoea

Missing out on sleep can leave you feeling irritated and slow-witted in the morning, but the consequences do not end here. Over the time, sleep may also take a toll on your heart and blood pressure.

High blood pressure and sleep apnoea are associated with each other and studies show that it can result in even graver conditions like heart failures, irregular heart rates and heart related diseases. The simple reason for hypertension with sleep apnoea are sudden drops in oxygen levels due to sleep apnoea which will increase the blood pressure and stress will be put on heart.

How to control high blood pressure?

The risk factors like age, family history and ethnicity are among the ones that are not in our control. So when we talk about the preventive measures for hypertension, our focus would be on the factors that you can actually change.

Try to follow the below mentioned lifestyle changes to eliminate any reasons for high blood pressure and to bring down the numbers in case of elevated blood pressure.

  • Maintain Healthy weight - People who are overweight should look for methods to lose weight and get a healthy body. Talk with your doctor about the ideal weight you can have and try to achieve it.
  • Follow a balanced diet - Taking a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables and limiting your intake of calories, fat and sugar will surely help in eliminating even the minor signs.
  • Cut back on salt - Living on a low-sodium diet helps in keeping the symptoms of high blood pressure at bay. You should cut back on your total salt intake per day by avoiding high-sodium processed foods and by limiting the use of salt in your daily meals.
  • Engage in regular exercise - A moderate exercise of about 30 minutes, three times in a week will be a good start to control hypertension. Furthermore, keep in mind, the more you exercise the better.
  • Limit the alcohol consumption - Drinking too much of alcohol leads to hypertension. Thus, one should limit its intake to get a hold of the symptoms of high blood pressure.
  • Monitor your blood pressure - Above all, it is very important to get your blood pressure checked at regular intervals of period. In case, your doctor determines that you are at an increased risk of developing hypertension, he may recommend you extra steps as a safety.
  • Check for Sleep Apnoea - Your uncontrolled blood pressure, despite of prescribed medications could also be the result of sleep apnoea. So, its better you meet a sleep specialist and on his advice, undergo polysomnography to get diagnosed for sleep apnoea. They may recommend you a treatment to bring down your blood pressure.

Sunday, 31 July 2016

Time For A Break: Five-Point Stress Busters

It is difficult to point out one way in which stress can affect you. Psychologists believe it can harm you in multiple ways; that it is, in fact, a ‘silent killer’. Unfortunately, in today’s highly competitive world, the number of people suffering from stress is rapidly increasing.

90% of the working class is stressed because of some reason. Once you are stressed, you lose concentration in addition to inviting diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, tension and migraine.

However, experts opine that beating stress isn’t that difficult if a person is aware of it. Here are 5 easy ways to bust it:

Vent It Out

One of the major reasons for stress, according to psychologists, is the bottling up of emotions. The best way to get rid of it is by venting out the frustration. Write down everything that is happening within you. Everything will be in black and white in front of you. That also helps in getting to know what causes stress and ultimately in resolving the issues.

Good Food, Good Life

Diet directly influences the brain’s neurotransmitter system, thus influencing one’s mood. Diet that is rich in carbohydrates relieves depression but increases chances of disorders such as carbohydrate craving and obesity. A well-balanced diet rich in protein and micronutrients, moderate in carbohydrates and low in fat generally improves the mood.

Indulge In Love Making

When the feeling of compassion is triggered, it is out to enhance your mood. Science suggests that good sex reduces pain and discomfort. The body also releases oxytocin-the love hormone-during sex which makes a person happy. Talk and share while making love. An engaging foreplay is also a certified way to reduce tension, say sexologists.

Meditate And Relax

At a time when work schedule are jam-packed, a few minutes in quiet can help reduce stress. Working professionals should spend a few minutes with themselves every day. Shut your eyes for a few minutes and release stress with positive affirmations like “I’m happy” or “I’m at peace”.

Take A Break

Networking can help as much as being alone. Be in the company of happy people in order to reduce negativity. Other ways to beat stress include going for a walk, watching a movie or talking to a friend. 

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Tens of benefits from running

Running is a great cardiovascular exercise. It helps burn fat and reduces the inched around your waist and hips. But is that it? Here are some more reasons why you should hit the running track soon.

  1. Healthy Heart: Running is the best way to strengthen your heart muscles. Regular running helps improve blood circulation, erases any chances of blood thickening and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure and even stroke.
  2. Shed that flab: Weight loss is an added benefit of regular running. Running aids fat loss and burns up to 1000 calories in an hour. You will get lighter and more nimble on your feet that will help you run faster and longer.
  3. Stronger bones: Regular running makes bones stronger. Any bone density problem would soon be a thing of the past if you choose to make running a habit.
  4. Confidence booster: Running helps the overall fitness of the mind. It wards off anxiety, lifts your mood and builds self-esteem. It relieves you from depression and the sense of achievement you get from setting goals and achieving them will be a confidence boost.
  5. A good night’s sleep: Popping in those pills may not be the best solution to deal with your sleep problems. Running is found to aid sleep and help you sleep longer and deeper.
  6. Happy hormones: The ‘runner’s high’ is not a shallow expression. Running is proven to trigger endorphins, which are called ‘happy hormones’. Run a mile and see how it improves your mood remarkably. Regular running can improve patience and keep anger in check.
  7. Defence against diseases: Regular running can improve the immune system, say studies. This is especially true with short-distance runners. Runners are known to have better immune systems that will help them fight fatigue, menstrual discomforts and digestive disorders.
  8. Glowing Skin: There are many beauty benefits to running. It will help improve complexion and texture of the skin. That’s mainly because running improves digestion and hence aids absorption of nutrients in the blood and detoxifies the body.
  9. Cutting cholesterol: Running helps maintain cholesterol levels. High cholesterol levels would put you at a high risk for conditions like weak heart, diabetes and thyroid problems. Therefore, maintaining healthy cholesterol levels is important for health.
  10. Emotionally fit: Running helps you remain tension-free. When you are running, you are concentrating on the activity and are, therefore, distracted from things that bother you. 

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Fed up of weight gain? Try these home remedies

Nutritionists are of the opinion that there is a meticulous weight stipulation for both males and females, one that relates to the height, age and gender of the person. When the amount of fat in an individual’s body exceeds the normal value, he/she is considered fat or obese. Excess weight can lead to scores of health problems, but thankfully, there are some home grown remedies which when used effectively can keep a check on your weight.


Bottle gourd is enriched with fibre and contains no fat. It restricts hunger pangs by keeping stomach filled for a longer duration. You can either consume it in the liquid form or make a vegetable puree.


If you are unable to resist the sweet chocolate bar daily, you have the option of preventing that chocolate converting into fats by consuming lots of cabbage. This superbly beneficial vegetable has tartaric acid which aids in burning fat from thighs and belly.


Capsaicin is a substance found in profusion in chili peppers. It is widely acknowledged for its ability to boost metabolism and tumble fatty tissues while keeping a check on a person’s appetite.


Carrots are full of fibre and most of it is soluble. This content is what makes it a natural weight loss food. Drinking carrot juice daily is not only healthy but stomach-filling as well that does not accumulate calories.


Cucumber has long been considered as numero-uno cooling agent for both internal and external parts of the body. Cucumber is mostly water which assists in breaking fat cells. So, try to mix cucumber with your daily diet. It will keep your appetite in check without any threat of weight gain.


Thanks to the anti-oxidants in it, green tea has always been a strong source of weight loss. If drunk regularly, you can experience a significant loss in your weight. Nutritionists recommend consuming green tea without sugar for maximum benefits.

Obesity is the root cause for multiple health problems such as high blood pressure, heart ailments, diabetes and more. If we control our diet, exercise regularly and implement these home remedies, we can surely stay away from those diseases. 

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Tracking your blood sugar levels

The aim of diabetes management is to control blood glucose levels and to screen and treat related conditions such as high blood pressure, high bad cholesterol, and other complications of diabetes. This means that you will need to learn how to monitor your blood glucose levels, and you will also have to undergo recurrent laboratory tests and visits to your diabetologist than people without diabetes. This blog tells you how you will monitor your glucose levels.

Monitoring Diabetes

When you have diabetes, your glucose levels fluctuate much more than those of people without diabetes. In people without diabetes, fasting glucose levels in the morning are usually between 60 and 100 mg/dl. Before each meal, the levels are below 100 mg/dl. The peak values one to two hours after a meal are in the 120s and usually stay below 140, even after a meal rich in carbohydrates.

Conceptualising Home Monitoring

Blood glucose monitoring at home is an important part of diabetes management and serves a number of purposes. First, monitoring at home makes it easier to detect low blood glucose reactions, because you cannot rely on how you feel to detect low glucose levels. Many people with diabetes develop hypoglycemic unawareness meaning they can have glucose levels in the 40s and 50s and still feel quite fine. For this reason, measuring glucose levels frequently allows detection and treatment before the glucose levels fall too low. This monitoring is particularly relevant when exercising or performing activities such as driving or operating machinery, when you need to be alert.

Second, home monitoring allows you to detect high glucose levels. Elevated glucose levels may reflect dietary indiscretion or failure to take or to adjust diabetes medications. If you are on an insulin pump, there is not a big depot of insulin in the subcutaneous tissues, and if for any reason the insulin delivery gets interrupted, glucose levels can go very high and DKA can develop over a few hours. Persistently elevated high glucose levels increase the risk of developing long term complications of diabetes.

Finally, home monitoring allows you to adjust medication doses, particularly insulin. If you’re an insulin-treated patient, check your blood glucose levels at least four times or more a day. If you have type 2 diabetes controlled with diet only or are on medications that do not cause low glucose levels (like metformin, rosiglitazone, or exenatide), checking blood glucose levels a few times a week may suffice. However, if you have type 2 diabetes and are taking oral medicines that can cause low glucose levels (sulfonylureas, repaglinide, and nateglinide), one or two blood glucose checks per day are necessary.

For more information, book an appointment with qualified diabetologists. They will assist you monitor your blood sugar levels in a more secured way. 

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Sleep: How much you require?

Night is the time when you shut your eyes and enter a world of dreams which is considered to be a critical part of leading a healthy life. This is because after a day’s hard work, the muscles need rest. But the question is how much of rest is required?

To sleep means leaving your worries and tension and opinions differentiate on the exact amount of sleep required. An important thing to note is that you need to decide your sleep and waking time. Therefore, it is you who can judge the right time for your muscles to charge up. But psychologists say, a fully-grown human being requires 7-9 hours of sleep. If you are on the bed for more than that time, there is something wrong with your sleep mechanism.

What happens when adequate sleep is not taken?

It is not a rocket science to understand that your health will take a dent if you don’t sleep well. In fact, you will feel the effect after a bad sleep. A medical study found that individuals who are regularly denied proper sleep, meaning five hours or less every night, is vulnerable to cardiovascular issues and high blood pressure.

Further, lack of adequate sleep could trigger symptoms of obesity, diabetes, etc. Your behaviour may become erratic or you could possibly indulge in alcoholism. Your concentration will lapse and may experience mood swings. Other problems like killing sex drive, early ageing, forgetfulness, unwanted weight gain may be knocking at your door. 

What happens when it is?

  • Some years of life are added, i.e. you may live longer, as per a study.
  • Your mind will work full throttle, generating new ideas as your components gets strengthened.
  • If you are a school going child, you could immensely improve in studies, perform well. Late night studies have proven to be harmful to health.
  • No matter how hard you try to rid your excessive fat, you won’t succeed until you get the right amount of sleep.
  • Stress is a major health issue these days and sleeping well helps in reducing that.
Your body gives you the strength to perform stringent of tasks during the day. The onus is upon you to replicate the favour. You need to give it back proper time to relax and prepare for the next day.