Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Diets for Women in their 20s

Diets for Women in their 20s

Women have always been obsessed about the way they look. If they deny it, it's because they know that they look fabulous. But there's always a little voice inside us, telling us about all our little physical imperfections. That little voice, more often than not tends to focus on the one aspect of our appearance that most of us are least comfortable with: our weight! Yes, we are constantly bickering about how we would either like to lose some or gain some, the former being the more common one. We take all the necessary steps and follow all the fad diets that come up, but we end up disappointing ourselves, not because the diets didn't work, but because we don't let them. As young women in our 20s, we can and should be able to stick to a diet plan.

Indulge in Iron

Iron is one of the most important nutrients that our body needs. It gives us strength and helps in the formation and sustenance of pure and healthy blood. It increases the level of haemoglobin in the blood, which in turn, helps to keep the body healthy. So stock up on greens, grains, and all other iron-rich foods. Eat them regularly and you're sure to see and feel the change in yourself.

Crave Calcium

Calcium is the base of our body, literally. Deficiency of calcium can lead to the weakening of bones and teeth. If your bones aren't strong, it leads to pains and problems in the joints and simple activities can become difficult to perform. Eating calcium-rich foods is what will keep you from such conditions.

Proscribe Excess Protein

Protein, though extremely healthy and necessary for the body, if consumed in excess can prove to be detrimental for the body. Lethargy, tiredness, and fatigue due to excess consumption of a protein diet are fairly common. So, make sure that you do intake proteins because they are important for the wear and tear and maintenance of the body. However, don't overdo it.

Control the Carbs

Carbs provide us with energy that lasts a long time. They have a very important place in our daily diet, but unfortunately, even though they are utterly delectable, they do contribute to an increase in weight. No weight loss diet plan is complete without the advice of controlling the urge to binge on carbohydrate-rich foodstuffs. All of us become slaves to foods that contain high levels of carbohydrates because they taste so good. However, if you want to stick to a diet that will help you lose those few extra pounds, then stay away from food that has no useful carbs. 

Avoid Alcohol

Yes, avoiding alcohol and caffeine of any kind as much as you can will definitely help you to cut down on the weight. Plus, since you're just in your 20s, you can do without regular alcohol drinking. It is bad not only for your health, but also for your weight. So instead of taking in caffeine or alcohol, drink fruit juices!

While you follow any diet, remember the cardinal rules of dieting: don't skip breakfast, eat a filling lunch, snack healthy between meals and have a light dinner or skip it if you're not in the mood. 

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Eat fruits to get a flat tummy

weight loss, flat tummy, abs, 6 packs, tummy tuck, fat burn, diet, healthy eating, fitness, belly fat

Apart from working out in the gym, healthy diet also plays a vital role in getting flat abs. There is a saying; Abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym. Maybe we are doing many abdominal exercises, but, what gives shape to our tummy is a diet full of nutrients. Eating certain foods helps us to achieve our fitness goals faster and aids in reducing bloating and slim down body.

Here are some foods that will burn your tummy and make your belly flat.

1. Apple
  • Apples are loaded with essential antioxidants, dietary fiber and falavanoids. Apple reduces the risk of heart diseases, cancer, hypertension and diabetes.
  • Pectin fiber present in apple is a natural fat burner. Polyphenosis found in an apple makes it, low in sugar and calories.
  • An apple is a daily snack for flat abs, research shows that people who eat an apple daily reduces excessive weight much faster.
  • Caffeine present in an apple provides more energy for your core out. Eat an apple, every time before workout.
2. Berries

  • Fibers present in the berries traps the food particles and flush the harmful toxins out of your body before they proliferate in your internal system.   
  • Berries are rich in antioxidants, boost your immunity and digestive system, and keeps blood sugar and stomach bloating under control.
  • Eating strawberries, raspberries and blue berries improve blood flow in your body and help muscle contract more effectively. 

3. Nuts

  • Nuts like almonds, pistachios, walnut and cashews provide all round health benefits to your body. Eating these nuts maintains the level of daily protein intake.
  • A handful of almonds are a healthy way to get essential daily fats in your body. You can add nuts to your morning breakfast, evening snack or make a milkshake of it.
  • Nuts provide you with high levels of fiber and help combating against indigestion, bloating, constipation and other diseases related to the digestive system.

4. Eggs

  • Eggs are an abundant source of protein, amino acid present in the egg is responsible for the development of muscle fiber.
  • Eating eggs in the breakfast keep you energized throughout the day. Eggs have some unique feature which makes them weight loss friendly.
  • A large egg contains about only 80 calories only, but is full of healthy nutrients.

5. Yogurt

  • Yogurt is one of the best sources of calcium and keeps your digestive system healthy. 
  • The probiotics present in the yogurt reduces the chance of constipation, bloating and gas and promotes the growth of healthy bacteria for better motions.
  • Yogurt is catalyst in the burning of fat and promotes weight loss.

6. Fish

  • Eating seafood, especially salmon fish increases the rate of metabolism in your body; eating fish also lowers down your cravings for unhealthy food.
  • Salmon and tuna fish are a major source of omega-3 fatty acids and besides making your metabolism more efficient, it also improves the glucose insulin response.
  • One can also take fish oil capsules to for muscle building and weight loss.

Friday, 11 November 2016

Common Myths about Getting a flat Belly

Clinical and sports nutritionist Shwetha Bhatia says that one of the common misconceptions that people have when it comes to exercising belly fat is that spot reduction is the answer. “People believe they can achieve a flat tummy by doing 1000+ crunches a day. Fat actually accumulates in that area due to the genetic tendency for the fat storage there. How you lose it, depends on your genetic make-up. When a structured diet and fitness program are followed, all fat cells are equally targeted. Nevertheless, the fat cells in the abdominal area have fewer receptors for release and more receptors for storage.”

Shalini Bhargava, founder and director of JG’S Fitness Centre, explains further: “The abdominal muscles are covered by a layer of adipose and fat and unless that is not reduced, the muscles will not be seen. No doubt that crunches will strengthen the ab muscles and the tone will be set but unless the covering layer of fat is not removed, these will not be seen.”

Another widely accepted myth is diet-related. Nutritionist Rina Baliga of Gold Gym says, “A universal misreading that people have is that you need to avoid carbohydrates or starve in order to get a flat stomach. The truth is that you can consume carbohydrates and still slim down. You need to include wholesome carbs such as brown rice, whole grains and oatmeal and you need to avoid refined carbohydrates and processed food.”

Fitness solutions for a flat tummy

The first thing to remember when it comes to fat reduction on the belly, says fitness guru Vinod, is that spot reduction absolutely does not work. “If you focus on developing bigger muscles in legs or back, you will burn more in an hour as compared to working on the smaller muscles in your abdomen. No matter what part of your body you workout, you burn calories and lose fat overall, not from that specific spot.”

Include Yoga, breathing or Pranayam and other exercises like calisthenics, aerobics or cardio activity with brisk walks on a regular basis. Exercises when done regularly will not only improve your stamina, strength and flexibility but boost your metabolism resulting in more weight loss. The following exercises are excellent for the abs and need to be included in your schedule crunches, reverse crunches, leg raises, sit-ups and side bends. Also include yoga stretches like surya namaskar, naukasan, bhujangasan and dhanurasna which are stabilizers and core-strengthening exercises.

Also important is strength training. Do strength training to build muscle. It will increase your metabolism, so you’ll burn calories faster overtime. 

Monday, 25 July 2016

When you're a diabetic, healthy eating is the key

Because most people with type 2 diabetes are overweight, weight management and reduction should be the major consideration. The good news is, if you are overweight, you benefit from even a small weight loss. Weight loss markedly reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and prevents the progression of pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes. It can also reverse the failure to respond to drugs for diabetes that develops after responding at first weight loss can increase life expectancy, help lower blood pressure and improve energy levels and mobility.

The benefits of weight loss are seen rapidly, even when relatively little weight has been lost. A rapid fall in blood glucose occurs as soon as the energy intake of the diet is reduced. Over time, the blood pressure declines and the cholesterol falls. The triglycerides drop and the good cholesterol (HDL) rises. Even a modest reduction of 10 per cent of body weight has a significant positive effect on your coronary artery disease risk.

Unfortunately, your genetic make-up has a significant influence on your ability to lose weight and on the amount of weight you lose. Several studies have shown that people with type 2 diabetes lose less weight than people without diabetes. This can be disheartening and frustrating — especially when trying to explain not being able to lose weight to less-than-sympathetic workmates, family, friends or diabetologists. But, hang in there — even when weight loss isn’t possible, weight maintenance is an excellent goal, and you can certainly implement measures to improve the quality of your diet, weight loss or not.

Considering Carbohydrates

Diabetologists recommend that carbohydrate that’s high in fibre and low in fat should contribute between 40 and 50 per cent of your total daily kilojoule intake. An important part of achieving this target is avoiding the sources of carbohydrates that contain lots of kilojoules, but offer little nutritional value.

You probably already have some idea about which carbohydrates only provide ‘empty’ kilojoules. Some examples include cakes, biscuits, sweet pastries, honey, jam, ice-cream and sweet yogurt, chocolate, soft drinks, cordials and sugar added to drinks and breakfast cereal.

The best carbohydrate choices for you are those that are highest in fibre and lowest in fat — studies have shown that a diet featuring these types of foods can lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels.

Fibre is the part of a food that’s not digestible and so adds no kilojoules but has health benefits. Fibre is found in all fruits, vegetables and cereal grains, and the more unprocessed the grain (or fruit or vegetable), the higher the fibre content.

Choosing Proteins

Protein is used by the body for growing and repairing tissues. For this reason, it was thought that you could build your own muscle by eating lots of protein (actually, you build up muscle by exercising). Although children and young adults need more protein because they’re growing, adults need relatively little in order to maintain their current level of muscle.

Protein in your diet comes from chicken, pork, beef, eggs, milk and other dairy foods, nuts and legumes (or pulses). The protein component of these foods doesn’t raise blood glucose levels.

For most adults, two moderate-sized serves of protein per day are sufficient. Because milk, yogurt and legumes are sources of protein and carbohydrate, they can be included in the diet to satisfy your requirements for both food types.

If you’re unsure about the mix of carbohydrates and proteins that’s right for you, see your specialist diabetologist for an individualised assessment.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Fed up of weight gain? Try these home remedies

Nutritionists are of the opinion that there is a meticulous weight stipulation for both males and females, one that relates to the height, age and gender of the person. When the amount of fat in an individual’s body exceeds the normal value, he/she is considered fat or obese. Excess weight can lead to scores of health problems, but thankfully, there are some home grown remedies which when used effectively can keep a check on your weight.


Bottle gourd is enriched with fibre and contains no fat. It restricts hunger pangs by keeping stomach filled for a longer duration. You can either consume it in the liquid form or make a vegetable puree.


If you are unable to resist the sweet chocolate bar daily, you have the option of preventing that chocolate converting into fats by consuming lots of cabbage. This superbly beneficial vegetable has tartaric acid which aids in burning fat from thighs and belly.


Capsaicin is a substance found in profusion in chili peppers. It is widely acknowledged for its ability to boost metabolism and tumble fatty tissues while keeping a check on a person’s appetite.


Carrots are full of fibre and most of it is soluble. This content is what makes it a natural weight loss food. Drinking carrot juice daily is not only healthy but stomach-filling as well that does not accumulate calories.


Cucumber has long been considered as numero-uno cooling agent for both internal and external parts of the body. Cucumber is mostly water which assists in breaking fat cells. So, try to mix cucumber with your daily diet. It will keep your appetite in check without any threat of weight gain.


Thanks to the anti-oxidants in it, green tea has always been a strong source of weight loss. If drunk regularly, you can experience a significant loss in your weight. Nutritionists recommend consuming green tea without sugar for maximum benefits.

Obesity is the root cause for multiple health problems such as high blood pressure, heart ailments, diabetes and more. If we control our diet, exercise regularly and implement these home remedies, we can surely stay away from those diseases.