Saturday, 24 March 2018

Pulmonologist in Delhi

Asthma is a lung disease characterized by inflamed airways that connect to the lungs. Because of this inflammation, air isn't able to travel through these airways and therefore makes it very hard to breath. This will cause asthma sufferers to try even harder to get air in their lungs, which results in coughing and wheezing.

In recent years asthma has become a very common disease in almost all countries. Typically a person suffering from this 
respiratory disease is very responsive to a variety of triggers.

The exact causes for asthma-attack are not really clear nevertheless there are many factors that trigger an attack when you have the disease. Some of the most common triggers are exposure to dust and smoke, infections like cold and fever, allergies to dust mites, pet dander, pollen and certain food, irritants like cleaning products and 
perfumes, exercises or work outs and sometime extreme emotional feelings.

The triggers of asthma are different, so identifying them is important for each patient so they can avoid being exposed to them. For those who have cold air as a trigger, you will normally be impacted by it during the early morning or at night when the temperatures are cooler. When pollens are a trigger, then 
asthma attacks can occur when certain flowers are being planted.

The main symptoms of an asthmatic are: 
·         Coughing
·      Wheezing, but remember everyone who wheezes does not have asthma and not all asthmatics wheeze
·         Breathlessness
·         Tightening of the chest
·         Difficulty in speaking

Knowing the asthma symptoms is critical when in the beginning stages. If treatment is not given in time, then the situation could become fatal. An asthma patient must always have medicine readily available just in case. An inhaler is the most common treatment, and either the patient or someone around must have it especially when participating in sports or exercise. The symptoms should not be allowed to persist. Medication should be taken regularly. Cortisones should be avoided as the side effects can be very harmful. See a doctor to get advice on how asthma should be treated. 

This is where Lazoi will come to your rescue. Seek help from the best pulmonologist in Delhi who you can access through A pulmonologist will be able to help you with all the tips you need to make sure your lungs and the entire respiratory tract is protected and is in good condition. Protect your chest and lungs from the negative impact of the polluted air and asthma by getting in touch with the best pulmonologist in Delhi.

To make sure you succeed in your goal, you can seek immediate help from the best Pulmonologist in Delhi, Dr. Rashmi Sama. You can reach her through She is one of the most well-known and accomplished Pulmonologist in Delhi. Please logon to our website to get detailed information about the doctor and her services.

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