Friday 14 July 2017

Sex-induced headaches

Sex-induced headaches are fairly rare occurrence and many men go through their life without experiencing a single instance of this annoyance. However, it does occur, and for some men it occurs frequently, so having information on the subject is not a bad idea. Although the headache is not directly related to penis health, its association with sexual activity makes it worth considering as a part of man's general sexual health maintenance routine.


Sex-induced headaches (more commonly known as sex headaches) are headaches that occur shortly before, during or after orgasm. They generally fall into three categories:

  • Gradual sex headaches start slowly and may be barely noticeable. It often begins as a dull ache, typically located on both sides of the head. The pain tends to intensify as a man gets closer to ejaculating and when it does so, the neck and the jaw may become tight and tense.
  • Sudden sex induced headaches are much more direct in their approach. The onset is quite abrupt which usually hits a man at the time when he ejaculate, this headache tends to be characterized by intense stabbing pain beginning with almost no warning.
  • Position related sex headaches are those that occur when a person stands up after having engaged in a sexual intercourse while lying or sitting down.

The statistics available on sex headaches are sketchy, but approximately one percent of people report experiencing sex headaches at one time or another. However, this incidence is likely to be underreported, especially when the headaches are mild in intensity or short in duration. Sexheadaches can occur by any form of sexual activity, including masturbation.


In most cases, sex headaches are mild and not dangerous. Sex headaches are result of the body reacting to its environment during a specific sexual moment. In some cases a sex headache may be a symptom of another issue that is more serious, such as stroke, coronary artery disease or infection. If a man has any concern, he should consult a doctor to determine if an underlying condition may be present.


If a man experiences frequent sex headaches, there are steps he can take to prevent them. The good news is that cutting down on sex is not one of these steps. The better news is that increasing the amount of sex is one of them and a man needs to make some changes accordingly. The idea is to bump up the frequency a little but turn down the intensity of sex headache. It's believed that strenuous sex contributes to sex-induced headaches, so partners should devise ways by which the headache-prone male has to make fewer efforts while having sex. In some instances, a doctor may prescribe medication that can help to decrease sex headaches. Men are more likely to experience sex-induced headaches than women, and intense ones can have a negative impact on a man's sex life. Knowing the signs can help a man taking preventive steps. 

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