Tuesday 20 October 2015

World Osteoporosis Day is observed every year on 20th October across the world dedicated to create global awareness for prevention, diagnosis and treatment and of osteoporosis.

Osteoporosisis the loss of bone density, which happens when the levels of calcium and minerals deplete in the bones, and they start becoming weak. This further increases the risk of fractures especially in the spine, hip and wrist. Women are at greater risk of osteoporosis than men especially after the age of 50.

According to World Health Organization (WHO), osteoporosis comes second to cardiovascular disease as a global health problem. This disease mainly affects the elderly population which is growing in number, thus putting a burden to the healthcare. As per the statistics, 1 out of 8 males and 1 out of 3 females in India is affected from osteoporosis. This makes India one of the largest countries affected from osteoporosis in the world.

Typically, treatments for osteoporosis include medications like calcium and mineral supplements, and light exercise. Yoga has specific poses or 'asanas' that focus on increasing bone strength. They help reduce aches and pain that follow in osteoporosis. Besides, one can continue conventional treatment and still follow yoga regularly. Below are some Yoga poses for increasing bone density and maintaining a steady bone health:

·         Extended Triangle Pose or 'Utthita Trikonasana':  The three angles that are formed in this pose represent the three facets of yoga; mind, body, and spirit. This pose gives the entire body a good stretch, wherein, the lower body is strengthened.

·         Half Moon Pose or 'Ardha Chandrasana': This pose is very beneficial for providing relief from pain experienced due to osteoporosis. The pose focuses on strengthening the spine and abdomen. It also stretches the legs and glutes.

·         Bridge Pose or 'Setu Bandha Sarvangasana': This pose is therapeutic to osteoporosis, and gives a relaxing stretch to the spine, neck, chest, and back. It strengthens the back, pelvis, and spine.

·         Twisted Triangle Pose or 'Parivrtta Trikonasana': This pose gives the spine a gentle twist, which puts pressure on the bones, and the body responds to it by building more bone for strength. This pose also supports the spine and builds strength.

·         Tree Pose or 'Vrikshasana': The tree pose is excellent for improving body posture. It stretches the spinal cord in great alignment with the body. It strengthens the back, shoulders, and hip muscles, and assists the body in achieving stability and balance in the hip muscles.

·         Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend or 'Prasarita Padottanasana': This pose puts weight on the hips and legs, and strengthens the lower body. It is beneficial, as the weight-bearing act strengthens the large bones of the hips and legs. It also improves posture and flexibility. The pose also lends concavity and flexibility to the spine.

·         Seated Twisting Pose or 'Ardha Matsyendrasana': In this pose more pressure is put on the spine. The spine gets a gentle twist and stretch, which, in turn, puts pressure on the bones, but not the vertebrae. The body responds to this pressure in a way that it builds more bones.

·         Cobra Pose or 'Bhujangasana': This pose gives the spine a stretch with a gentle back bend. It strengthens the spine and upper back muscles. The pose is excellent for improving the posture of the spine. Poses that focus on the spine are very beneficial for preventing a hunchback, which is a common sign in osteoporosis.

·         Chair Pose or 'Utkatasana': In this pose, the muscles around the hips are strengthened. These are most susceptible to injury, and the most common site for osteoporosis. It aligns the body with great balance, which in turn, also improves posture.

Remember, as we age, our bones become weaker. When we are young, sudden body movements do not create complications, in most cases. But, the body cannot take sudden and extreme body movements when we are older. In osteoporosis, especially, there is a risk of harm to the bones with uncontrolled and extreme movements. So, always be gentle when performing any yoga poses. Take your time, and slowly move in and out of the pose. Always warm up, first and stretch your body well.

On this World Osteoporosis Day, let’s pledge that we’ll all eat a balanced diet and perform yoga to prevent osteoporosis. 

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