Friday 31 March 2017

The relationship between low cholesterol and brain

brain and cholesterol, brain and low cholesterol, low cholesterol and brain, cholesterol and brain, cholesterol lowering medicines, heart attacks, high cholesterol, LDL, HDL, bad cholesterol, good cholesterol

What may be good for the heart could be bad for the brain. Lowering cholesterol, especially bad LDL cholesterol, appears to reduce the risk of heart attacks. But new studies suggest that very low cholesterol might pose unexpected problems for the nervous system.

It is certainly true that some people who take cholesterol lowering medicines report negative effects on their brain function. Problems with memory and concentration are not uncommon. It’s not assured, of course, that the problems these people experience are a direct consequence of lowered cholesterol levels in the body. However, the possibility still exists. 

Why cholesterol is essential for brain
One of the most abundant materials in the brain and the rest of our nervous system is a fatty substance called myelin. Myelin coats every nerve cell and every nerve fibre like the insulating cover around electric wires. Apart from insulation, it provides nourishment and protection for every tiny structure in our brain and the rest of the nervous system. People who start losing their myelin develop a condition called multiple sclerosis. Myelin is mostly composed of cholesterol. If you start interfering with the body’s ability to produce cholesterol, you put the very structure of the brain and the rest of the nervous system under threat.

The synthesis of myelin in the brain is tightly connected with the synthesis of cholesterol. Foods with high cholesterol and high animal fat content are an essential medicine for a person with multiple sclerosis. One of the most wonderful abilities humans possess is the ability to remember things. But how do we form memories? By our brain cells establishing connections with each other called synapses. The more healthy synapses a person’s brain can make the more mentally able and intelligent that person is. Researchers have discovered that synapse formation is almost entirely dependent on cholesterol, which is produced by the brain cells in a form called apolipoprotein E. Without the presence of this factor we cannot form synapses, and hence we would not be able to learn or remember anything. Memory loss is one of the side effects of cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Since cholesterol accounts for healthy brain function, changing your lifestyle can improve your cholesterol. A diet low in saturated fat may help reduce LDL “bad” cholesterol. Regular exercise may be helpful in boosting HDL “good” cholesterol.

Thursday 30 March 2017

In vitro fertilization: Everything you need to know about the procedure

in vitro fertilization, infertility, embryo transfer, pregnancy test, ultrasound examination, blood tests and gynaecological exams, sperm analysis, follicle stimulation, follicle suppression, gynaecologist

Science has made many leaps forward. The invention of the in vitro procedure has given so many people the chance to have a baby, even if they are experiencing reproductive problems. Since 1978, over a million 'in vitro' babies have been born - a figure that is exceptionally impressive.

Though many people have heard about it or know partially how in vitro takes place, few know the procedure in its entirety. Naturally, in vitro fertilization is a chance but something to worry about, as well. After all, the process is leading to the birth of a child in a very different way from the traditional manner.

This is when the real procedure gets started. The future mom undergoes ultrasound examinationblood tests and gynaecological exams. The future dad will respectively have to undergo sperm analysis.

Follicle Suppression 

Most in vitro clinics control ovulation by using different types of medicines. The gynaecologist decides on the most suitable type of drug.

Such medications prevent the egg from being discharged too early during the menstrual cycle. This procedure is called follicle suppression. Follicle suppression medicines are taken for a period of two weeks but the period can be changed on the basis of the bodily response.

Follicle Stimulation 

To increase the chances of pregnancy, medics will use follicle stimulating medicines that, as the name suggest, stimulate the ovaries to produce more eggs than what is considered normal. In this way, more eggs are available for fertilization and transfer into the uterus.

Follicle stimulating medications are administered for a period of seven to 10 days. During that time, the lady who is trying to get pregnant will have to see her gynaecologist frequently. He/She will monitor the manner in which follicles are developing. Ultrasound equipment is needed to do that.

The progress will be monitored carefully so that the gynaecologist knows whether the medicine is functioning or if an adjustment is needed.

During one IVF cycle, an egg needs to be obtained before the natural ovulation takes place. Unfortunately, some female organisms are incapable of responding well to follicle stimulation. If the number of follicles is small, stimulation is likely to be discontinued. Other ladies will have too many follicles developing in their ovaries. This is unadvisable and the medical team will monitor the response to make sure that the number of follicles remains reasonable.

Obtaining Eggs 

Eggs need to be obtained during a specific time frame. The careful selection of the right moment is very important since the egg is needed before it undergoes natural ovulation.

A needle is used to collect mature eggs. Ultrasound equipment guides the needle to the ovary.

Getting the Egg Fertilized 

Once the egg is obtained, it has to be fertilized. Experts at the IVF lab get the eggs obtained during the previous stage with sperm previously collected from the lady's partner or spouse. On the coming day, eggs are examined for signs of fertilization.

The fertilized eggs are called pre-embryos. They will be examined in the coming days for proper cell division. When the embryos reach a certain stage of development, they will be positioned in the uterus.

Embryo Transfer 

Embryos are transferred in the uterus during a short procedure. The number of embryos to be transferred will be determined in advance.

A catheter is introduced through the vagina and the cervix into the uterus. This catheter is used to place the fertilized eggs in the uterus. The procedure is painless. After the transfer, the medic is likely to administer progesterone, which helps the female body accept the embryos.

This is where the procedure ends. The final stage is getting a pregnancy test. If the test is positive, the in vitro clinic stages ultrasound scans, which can confirm the good condition and positioning of the embryos.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Hug your loved ones for good health

oxytocin hormone, oxytocin, Hug day, health benefits of hugging, happiness with hugging, hugging health benefits, levels of oxytocin, Hugging helps burn calories, stress relieving hugs, Hugging relieves stress

Hug day is the seventh day of the Valentine’s week which is celebrated every year across the globe on 13th Feb. It is one of the important days of the Valentine’s week where people from all age groups hug their partner, friend, loved ones and etc to express their love and affection. Hugging has the capability to relieve one from any problems and brings freshness to the mind.

Hugging has multiple health benefits as well. It may improve the psychological and physical development of the person being hugged. It strengthens the immune system and decreases the risk of chronic heart diseases by decreasing the stress hormone, cortisol level, in blood. It has been proved that a hug of just 20 seconds brings a lot of happiness as well as enhances the level of oxytocin hormone. It prevents the persons hugging each other from high blood pressure and high heart rate. A hug from a friend or loved one has the power to uplift your mood, when feeling down. Here are few more reasons for you to hug your loved ones frequently:
  • Hugging fights common cold: According to a study, hugging combats common cold and flu. The study also revealed that hugging was effective in protecting people from stress-induced viral infection. This is why it’s healthy to hug your loved ones often.
  • Gives a boost to the immune system: While giving a hug, you exert pressure on the breastbone and when this happens, an emotional charge is created. This procedure stimulates the thymus gland which regulates the production of white blood cells in the body, thereby, keeping you healthy.
  • Hugging relieves stress: When you hug someone, the act effectively suggests supporting that person. Multiple hugs or more than 1 hug can eliminate stress or the effect of stress. So if you see your loved one in distress, give a hug.
  • Hugging helps lower high blood pressure: When you hug someone, the levels of oxytocin increases. This hormone plays a key role in the reduction of cortisol in the body, thereby, lowering blood pressure levels.
  • Hugging helps burn calories: You may not believe it but while hugging you actually burn 12 calories. This means when you hug someone, you burn calories which helps in maintaining weight.
  • Hugging helps ease muscle tension: A hug can ease tension by fighting pain and improving blood circulation. It also promotes blood flow in the soft tissues, thereby aiding in relaxing tensed muscles.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Vitamin D Deficiency in newborns

vitamin D deficiency in infants, deficiency of vitamin D in infants, vitamin D supplement for infants, breast milk and vitamin D, sources of vitamin D, preventive role of sunlight in vitamin D deficiency, role of sunlight in vitamin D deficiency, Factors of Vitamin D Deficiency, vitamin D supplementation, vitamin D, vitamin D sources, sunlight, vitamin D supplements

Vitamin D is known to play an important role in bone metabolism through regulation of calcium and phosphate homeostasis and may also play an important role in immune system regulation. Rickets secondary to vitamin D deficiency occurs as a result of decreased sunlight exposure and low vitamin D intake. The result is poor bone growth, soft and deformed bones, and possible retardation in severe cases. Some children develop potentially life-threatening hypocalcaemia. Nutritional rickets almost disappeared with the recognition of the preventive role of sunlight and Vitamin D fortification of infant formulas and milk.

During the past 20 years, however, there has been an increase in the published reports of nutritional rickets. Those most at risk include breastfed infants with darker skin colour and others with limited exposure to sunlight.

Sources of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is found in very few foods naturally, such as fish liver oil, fatty fish, and egg yolk. It is added to cow's milk, infant formula, some bread and cereals, and some juices. Both infant formula and milk are fortified with 400 IU of vitamin D per quart.

Vitamin D is synthesised in the skin by the action of ultraviolet light from the sun on a cholesterol precursor. However, sunlight-mediated synthesis of vitamin D in the skin is profoundly affected by a wide variety of factors including:
  • Degree of skin pigmentation
  • Amount of time spent in sunlight
  • Weather conditions
  • Time of day
  • Season of the year
  • Amount of smog/air pollution
  • The amount of body surface covered with clothing or sunscreen

Contributing Factors of Vitamin D Deficiency

Infants and young children who are at risk for lower vitamin D stores include:
  • Those who do not get enough sunlight exposure to their skin, stay indoors, or live in smoggy areas
  • Those who consume little, if any, vitamin D fortified milk
  • Those who eat a strict vegan diet (avoiding all animal products including milk and eggs)
  • Those who have deeply pigmented skin
  • Are breastfed and do not take vitamin D supplements

Dermatologists and cancer experts advise caution in exposure to sun (or to sunlight), especially in childhood, and recommend regular use of sunscreens. Sunscreens markedly decrease vitamin D production in the skin. In Northern India, the sun is too weak to allow the skin to synthesise vitamin D during the winter months.

Breastfeeding and Vitamin D

Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for infants. Breast milk contains some highly bio-available vitamin D, but the amount of vitamin D available in breast milk varies in individuals. Vitamin D in breast milk was intended, by nature, to be a supplement to the amount made by the skin of infants who are routinely exposed to adequate sunlight.

Information for parents

Parents and caregivers of infants and young children need to know:
  • That breast milk is the best source of nutrition for infants and young children
  • That all infants need vitamin D added to the diet for healthy bone growth and development, either as a supplement or from that contained in infant formula
  • What the recommendations for vitamin D supplementation are, how to obtain the vitamins, and how to give the vitamin to their infant
  • That they should stop the vitamin D supplement if their infant is consuming adequate vitamin D fortified infant formula, milk, or juice per day

Drugs: How they are polluting the Indian youth and what should be done

drugs and Indian youth, effects of drugs on Indian youth, Indian youth and effects of drugs, meow meow drug, how to stop drug addiction

These days, drugs can be found everywhere, and it may seem like everyone's doing them. Lots of people are tempted by the excitement or escape that drugs seem to offer.

Drugs are chemicals or substances that change the way our bodies work. When you put them into your body (often by swallowing, inhaling, or injecting them), drugs find their way into your bloodstream and are transported to parts of your body, such as your brain. In the brain, drugs may intensify or dull your senses, alter your sense of alertness, and sometimes decrease physical pain.

A drug may be helpful or harmful. The effects of drugs can vary depending upon the kind of drug taken, how much is taken, how often it is used, how quickly it gets to the brain, and what other drugs, food, or substances are taken at the same time. Effects can also vary based on the differences in body size, shape, and chemistry.

Although substances can feel good at first, they can ultimately do a lot of harm to the body and brain. Drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, taking illegal drugs, and sniffing glue can all cause serious damage to the human body. Some drugs severely impair a person's ability to make healthy choices and decisions. Teenagers, who drink, for example, are more likely to get involved in dangerous situations, such as driving under the influence or having unprotected sex.

What’s astonishing is that India too is caught in this vicious circle of drug abuse, and the numbers of drug addicts are increasing day by day. The youths are topping the charts for the wrong reasons. According to a UN report, One million heroin addicts are registered in India, and unofficially there are as many as five million. What started off as casual use among a minuscule population of high-income group youth in the metro has permeated to all sections of society.

Every now and then we read in the newspapers that teens are being held for consuming drugs and most of them are usually aged 17-20. Recently many college-going boys and girls were hauled up by the police involved in the case of drug consumption in a rave party. The alarming rate of drug abuse has always been a problem in India and especially the increase of drug abuse among youngsters has had detrimental effects on the society.

So what leads to drug addiction?
Sheer pressure of studies on students might be one of the few cases which results in substance abuse among the youngsters. The educational system nowadays is very competitive and lacks flexibility with lakhs of students appearing for few thousand seats. Again there is always a parental burden which adds to the pressure of making it big academically.

Personal and family problems also leads to drug abuse among youngsters who fail to cope up with the ever-growing family and personal problems. Workplace pressure and issues with the colleagues results in workplace deviance which later results in detrimental effects on the individual.

The adolescence situation is often the cause of such unproductive activities. The friend’s circle in which a young individual stays also influences his/her activities. A boy/girl who has a company of friends who are into drugs and alcohol tends to repeat the same an attempt to be an active member of the peer group which often results in addiction of the same leading to many unproductive activities in future of the youngsters.

It might begin with experimenting. A friend or your loved one’s must have tried it once out of curiosity because of friends or just to cope up with a problem. In the early stages, one might really find it helpful to erase some problems or make one’s life better, which leads to more and more consumption of drugs. But as addiction reaches a step further, it becomes more of a need rather than just a problem solver. Even for simple petty issues which can be solved will result in drug abuse because one is so used to it that without consumption of the same, one just cannot think of anything.

Signs which parents or family members should look out for
Although there are different types of drugs, but the effects and the symptoms are more or less the same, irrespective of the kind of drug consumed. Some of the common signs which indicate that an individual is engaged with the process of drug abuse include: 
    • Neglecting responsibilities at workplace, school, colleges or at home like skipping your tuition classes, low performance academically and staying away or alone for most of the time.
    • It results in indifferences in relationships of an individual such as fights with your family members or your partner, losing a good old friend etc.
    • Change in behavioural attitude such as not being the same person when being with friends or family or partner.
    • Losing temper easily and getting into nasty things for petty issues.
    • Frequently getting into fights, accidents and illegal activities.
    • Lack of motivation, feeling lethargic.
    • Sudden Loss of appetite and weight. Loss of sleep patterns. Anxiety and irritation.

How ‘Meow Meow’ drug is aggravating the situation?
Indian youngsters are high on ‘Meow Meow’, a new drug on the block. Metropolitan’s rave scene is getting hooked to the new drug, and the country’s bands are said to be heavily into it. Why the drug is fast gaining popularity is that it can be ordered online and will be delivered to your doorstep. The drug is not in the list of banned drugs under the Narcotics, Drugs and Psychotropic Substance (NCB) Act, 1958.

In the last two months, Drug Abuse Information, Rehabilitation and Research Centre (DAIRRC) have received 30 cases of “meow meow” addiction, of the total 40 cases received. Dr Yusuf Merchant, the president of DAIRRC, said that most cases were in the age group of 16-26 years, with twelve of them being women.

According to Dr Merchant, “meow meow” is mephedrone, a powerful recreational drug that addicts take for effects similar to amphetamines and ecstasy. Mephedrone also has medicinal value and is used as an anaesthetic. “If not controlled immediately, “meow meow” will hit an epidemic proportion, as it is legally sold in India. This drug (meow) is terrible, and probably the worst in my 33 years of experience in running drug rehabilitation centre. The government should immediately put this dangerous chemical under the NDPS Act and law-enforcing agencies must call in for a crackdown,” said Merchant.

The drug costs Rs 150 per gram, which is much cheaper than cocaine, which costs at least Rs 3,000 per gram. Unlike other drugs which are bought from peddlers and dealers, “meow meow” can be ordered online via Internet pharmacy websites. Once payment is received, it is supplied at the customer’s address. It is also sold in few grams as plant fertilisers, to avoid scrutiny from law enforcers.

“Mephedrone users enjoy increased energy, self-confidence and talkativeness, euphoria, mental and physical stimulation, an enhanced sense of touch and empathy and a bit of sensory distortion. They also frequently enjoy a strong craving for more of the drug. It appears as a white or off-white powder, which is primarily either snorted or swallowed. It is usually mistaken for cocaine. When mephedrone (meow meow) is snorted, it only takes a few minutes to take effect. When swallowed, its effects can take more than half an hour to show up.” Dr Merchant added.

Side effects of ‘Meow Meow’ drug
Like other drugs, even mephedrone has side effects like loss of appetite, muscle clenching and tremors, headache, anxiety, elevated blood pressure, chest pain, fast/irregular heartbeat, difficulty in urinating, changes in body temperature and blue/cold fingers.

How can one stop the addiction to lead a normal peaceful life?
Half the problem is resolved when one shows the desire to give up addiction. One must speak up about his/her problem to someone who would understand and try to get him/her out of the problem. One may try to put restrictions on oneself to stop the drug abuse, rely on self help programs, but without support, it would be really difficult to put an end to it. Support might come from:
    • Family Members
    • Friends
    • Doctors or counsellors
    • People who had the same problem but recovered

Support from family members is a must as they are the closest source to the individual. Family should support their child to understand what he/she is going through and what compelled them to take such a risky step. Parents should try to motivate their children and understand what they really want in life. Every child is different from the other and parents should really try to understand their children’s expectation to avoid any cases related to alcohol or drug abuse.

Saturday 25 March 2017

Understanding Iron Deficiency in Children: Tips to Prevent Iron deficiency

Iron Deficiency, anemia, anemia in children, iron deficiency in children, tips to prevent iron deficiency, tips to prevent iron deficiency, how to prevent iron deficiency, iron requirement, iron requirement of a child, daily iron requirement

Iron deficiency is one of the common reasons behind nutritional deficiency in infants and children. The World Health Organization states that anemia affects 25% of the world’s population and pre-school age children & women fall under this percentage. ID (iron deficiency) is meticulously challenging for Asian and African countries. Off late, resource-rich western nations have been showing lower rates of nutritional deficiency in children. But it is still a fight for them.

Iron deficiency leads to anemia which affects a child’s overall development and growth. So, is your child meeting daily requirements of iron? Find out why iron is important for children and what can be done to prevent its deficiency?

Importance of iron in children
Iron is a necessary nutrient for a child’s growth and development. Iron regulates oxygen from the lungs to the body and helps muscles use oxygen. If your child lacks iron in the body, he/she might develop a condition called iron deficiency. It can occur at multiple levels, from reduced iron stores to anemia- a condition where blood lacks adequate healthy RBC (red blood cells). Iron deficiency can cause physical and mental delays if left untreated.

Daily requirement of iron in children
Children are born with iron stored in their bodies but an additional amount of iron is required for quick growth and development. Here is a guide of a child’s daily iron requirement for different ages:

    • 7-12 months: 11 mg 
    • 1 - 3 years: 7 mg 
    • 4 - 8 years: 10 mg 
    • 9 - 13 years: 8 mg 
    • 14 - 18 year girls: 15 mg 
    • 14 - 18 year boys: 11 mg

Risk factors involved with iron deficiency in children
Infants and children who are at higher risk of iron deficiency include: 

    • Prematurely born babies- born before three weeks of due date  
    • Babies who are fed cow’s milk before completing first year of birth 
    • Breast-fed babies who are not given foods containing iron after completing first 6 months
    • Children (1-5 years) who drink cow’s, goat’s or soy milk more than 24 ounces per day
    • Children with chronic infections or limited diet 
    • Teenage girls are also at higher risk because of loss of iron during menstruation

Signs of iron deficiency in children
Iron deficiency can interfere with your child’s functional ability. Nevertheless, symptoms of iron deficiency are clearly visible only after anemia. If you suspect your child of anemia, it’s good to visit a paediatrician. Iron deficiency signs and symptoms include:
    • Pale, yellowish skin
    • Weakness, tiredness or fatigue
    • Tongue inflammation
    • Delay in social and cognitive development
    • Vulnerable to infections
    • Abnormal desire for substances like ice, dirt, pure starch

Prevention of iron deficiency in children
Iron deficiency can easily be prevented if parents pay attention to their child’s diet. For instance:

    • Breast feeding is recommended until your child turns 1. Iron from breastmilk is easily absorbed than formulated iron. It’s better to use iron-fortified infant formula if you are reluctant to breastfeed. Cow’s milk is not recommended for children younger than age 1. 
    • Serve your baby foods with added iron, such as iron-fortified baby cereal between 4-6 months. Good sources of iron include chicken, fish, beans, green vegetables, red meat etc. As a parent, make sure your child does not drink more than 24 ounces of milk a day between ages 1-5.  
    • Vitamin C promotes iron absorption. Give your child foods rich in Vitamin C such as broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes, melon etc.  
    • You can consider giving your child oral iron supplements only after consulting a physician. Iron supplements can be given to premature babies but only after a doctor’s consultation.

Iron deficiency can be prevented. In order to track your child’s growth and development, it is essential for you to pay attention the amount of iron he/she is getting daily.

Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes: A guide to choosing the right one

ophthalmologist, sunglasses for eyes, eye protection, guide to choose sunglasses, sunglasses to protect your eye

A number of scientific studies indicate that spending long hours in the sun without eye protection can damage your eyes by contributing to cataractGlaucoma and other growths on the eye. Sunglasses are an easy solution that makes life more comfortable when outdoors, while also providing critical protection from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays. That is why ophthalmologists suggest you must wear 99 percent and higher UV absorbent sunglasses whenever you're in the sun for long periods of time.

Thankfully, sunglasses don’t have to be expensive to protect your eyes and they can often be found at a local shop. Unfortunately, a high price is not always a guarantee of high quality and protection. You can get confused over the standards and labelling regarding UV protection. Therefore, next time you go out looking for the right sunglasses, keep the following things in mind:

    • Look for UV protection: Don’t be deceived by colour, looks or cost. The ability to block UV light is not dependent on the darkness of the lens or the price tag. UV light is absorbed by both plastic and glass lenses. However it can be improved by adding certain chemicals to the lens material during manufacturing or by applying special lens coatings. Always choose sunglasses that are labelled as blocking 99-100% of UV rays.
    • Wraparounds: Wraparounds offer added protection. Sunglasses that wrap around the temples prevent the sun’s rays from entering from the sides. Some studies have shown that enough UV rays enter around standard sun-glass frames to reduce the protective benefits of the lenses.
    • Ensure they block enough sunlight: Sunglasses should screen out 75-90% of visible light. To determine if a pair is dark enough, try the glasses on in front of a mirror. If you can see your eyes easily through the lenses, they probably are too light.
    • Check the quality of lenses: Look for a uniform tint, not darker in one area than in another. To check the quality of lenses, hold the glasses at arm’s length and then look through them at a straight line in the distance. Slowly move the lens across the line. If the straight edge distorts or curves, the lens is flawed.

Remember, sunglasses cannot protect your eyes from certain intense light sources. Arc welding, tanning lights, gazing directly at the sun especially during a solar eclipse, can severely damage your eyes. Looking at any of these light sources without proper protection can cause a permanent loss of central vision. Your ophthalmologist can recommend the appropriate measures to take to protect your eyes in special situations.

Thursday 23 March 2017

Nosebleeds in children- Not a major medical condition

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Nosebleeds are a very common condition in children, and are usually not associated with any major medical condition. However, the sight of blood coming out of their child's nose can be a frightening experience for any parents. But this condition can be easily treated at home. Only frequent nosebleeds may require medical intervention, especially if they are associated with some major problems like bleeding disorders.

What causes nosebleeds in children?
The most common causes of nosebleeds are common cold and allergies. Both the conditions can cause congestion in the nasal cavity. As a result, the tiny blood vessels present in the nasal cavity can rupture either spontaneously, or with slight irritation. Similarly, a trauma can also cause the small blood vessels or capillaries of the nasal cavity to burst and bleed.

Apart from allergies and common cold, some other factors that can cause a nosebleed are, a sinus infection, the habit of pricking the nose, dry air, and a bacterial infection. A bacterial infection of the nasal mucosa can cause the development of a sore or crusty area in the nose, which can bleed occasionally.

However, some children are likely to experience frequent or recurrent nosebleeds. This can happen, if the nose is irritated to the extent that the small blood vessels of the nasal cavity get exposed. Such blood vessels can rupture and bleed even with the slightest irritation. Rarely, frequent nosebleeds can have an association with bleeding disorders. In such a situation, you can observe unusual bleeding from other parts of the body as well.

How to stop a nosebleed?
Parents have a tendency to panic when they spot blood in their child's nose. However, there is no reason to panic, as this condition is usually not associated with any serious disease. Moreover, if you panic, your child would be quick to follow you. Therefore, stay calm and make your child sit in an upright position. Do not let your child to lie down, or tilt his or her head backward. Instead, ask him or her to lean slightly forward.

Now, take a tissue or a soft cloth, and pinch the soft part of the nose, beneath the bony ridge. Keep pressing like that for about 10 minutes, until the bleeding stops completely. If the bleeding does not stop after 10 minutes, then press the area again for another 5 to 10 minutes. In the meantime, ask your child to breathe normally through the mouth and stay calm. You can also apply ice or a cold pack on that area to stop the bleeding quickly.

Once the bleeding has stopped, moisturize the nasal mucosa with petroleum jelly. If you observe sore areas inside the nose, then use an antibiotic ointment. You can talk to a paediatrician regarding what type of antibiotic ointments can be used for your child.

Once the bleeding has stopped, moisturize the nasal mucosa with petroleum jelly. If you observe sore areas inside the nose, then use an antibiotic ointment. You can talk to a paediatrician regarding what type of antibiotic ointments can be used for your child.

So, nosebleeds are usually not related to any major health problem. But if you fail to stop the bleeding even after the application of ice or pressure on the soft area beneath the nose bridge, then it is better to take the help of a paediatrician. Your paediatrician will most probably put silver nitrate on the spot, or use nose drops to constrict the blood vessels. A paediatrician can properly evaluate the condition, and find out if any disease or disorder is associated with nosebleeds.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Kidney Stones in Children: Symptoms, causes and treatment

kidney stones in children, causes of kidney stones in children, symptoms of kidney stones in children, treatment of kidney stones in children, kidney stones in children causes, kidney stones in children symptoms, kidney stones in children treatment, paediatric urologist

Kidneys are the filters in the body. They filter blood, make urine and remove waste products out of the body. They also help to regulate the electrolyte levels in the body, which is one of the important body functions. Kidney stones are solid concretions formed in the ureter from the dissolved urinary minerals in the kidneys. Some of these are excreted from the body through urine, but some grow significantly bigger and cause obstruction in the ureter. This obstruction may further lead to dilation or stretching of the upper ureter and renal pelvis, as well as result in muscle spasm of the ureter, in a bid to remove the stone. This leads to pain, normally in the back, lower abdomen, and groin. In some cases, there can be blood in the urine, which may, or may not be visible to the naked eye. This is often caused due to some damage to the lining of the urinary tract. It has been observed that stones are less prevalent in children than in adults.

Causes of kidney stones in children

It is not yet possible to come to a consensus about the causes of kidney stones in kids. However, heredity has a major role to play in the formation of stones. Often, they are formed due to excess calcium in the body. Some people are predisposed to high levels of calcium in urine, which is hereditary. Along with heredity, geographical conditions can also have a great impact on kidney stone formation in young ones. There are certain areas, in which people have an increased risk of stone formation. Hot climate and poor fluid intake may cause dehydration in kids, which, in turn, leads to stones in the kidneys. To be precise, urine becomes more concentrated, and chemicals and minerals come in closer contact to form a stone. There are certain medications, which can increase the risk of stones. Taking excessive amount of calcium, and vitamin A and D supplements can also lead to the formation of kidney stones. Certain antibiotics also increase the risk of stone formation in the kidneys. The causes can also point towards certain underlying illnesses. Inflammatory bowel disease and cystic fibrosis are among the few leading causes of this condition in young children. 

Symptoms of kidney stones in children

One of the most common symptoms is pain in the abdominal region. The pain often occurs in waves, as the body tries to get rid of the obstruction in the ureter. A number of children also experience pain in the side of the stomach, especially the love handles. The pain can radiate to the groin from the mid back region while being sudden and intense. In some cases, the pain may wax and wane, however, more often than not, there can be a significant underlying ache in between acute spasms.

Blood in urine and extreme pain are the most commonly observed symptoms in children affected with the condition. The blood is passed, because the stone irritates the ureter. At the same time, it is important to note, that blood in the urine, may not always be an indicator of kidney stone. There are other reasons, which can also give rise to this condition. Another symptom is frequent urination. Some people may also suffer from fever, nausea and/or vomiting. 

Treatment of kidney stones in children

The treatment will depend on the size, location, number, and composition of the stones. Unlike adults, children in most cases are able to excrete stones that are larger in size, easily without any surgical intervention. The doctors may prescribe some medication, which will help the child to get rid of the stones with ease. However, there are some cases, when the stones may have to be removed with the help of a surgical procedure. In such cases, it is important to remove them, when they are smaller in size, than wait for them to grow bigger and cause agony and trauma to the child. 

If it is an emergency, then intravenous fluids may be given to the child to help in hydration. Painkillers may also be given to the patient to control pain. If along with the stone, the child also suffers from infection, then the child may have to be hospitalised. 

Formation of stones should not be neglected in case of children as well as adults, as it can lead to emergencies. However, the best way is to prevent them altogether. For that, you will have to ensure that your child is well hydrated at all times. If you are giving any supplement to your child, it should be given in consultation with a paediatric urologist.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Importance of Zinc Mineral

Zinc Mineral, Importance of Zinc Mineral, Good Sources of Zinc,  Zinc Deficiency, Causes of Zinc Deficiency, Common signs of Zinc Deficiency, Zinc Deficiency symptoms, Zinc Deficiency causes, Zinc Deficiency side effects, lack of zinc,

Zinc is an essential mineral which is responsible for restoring the activity of more than 100 enzymes in the body. There is about 2-3 grams of zinc in an average human body. Zinc supports the immune system of our body and aids in the faster healing of wounds. Zinc also helps in the production of white blood cells, which supports the immune system to fight against harmful bacteria and viruses. This mineral is used in the production of alkaline and collagen, which are required for the proper bone formation. Zinc regulates the blood sugar level in the body and maintains the level of good cholesterol in the body. Zinc also helps liver to flush out toxins from the body.

Common signs of Zinc Deficiency

Causes of Zinc Deficiency 

People associated with the following conditions are at greater risk of zinc deficiency. 

Side effects of Zinc Deficiency
    • Lack of zinc in the body may lead to a weak immune system. Zinc is required by the body for the production of T cells, which helps the immune system to combat against bacteria, virus, and cancer cells.
    • A deficiency of zinc in children can cause mental disorders such as Dyslexia and Retardation. Zinc supports the brain in controlling the emotional and addictive behaviour patterns such as obsessions and addictions.
    • Some people with zinc deficiency have a poor sense of taste and smell.
    • Low levels of zinc in the females can cause lack of ovulation and late onset of menstruation.
    • Lack of zinc increases the risk of coronary heart diseasediabetesdiarrhoea and eczema.

Good Sources of Zinc 

An average person should consume 9 milligrams of zinc daily. To overcome the deficiency of zinc it is advised to consume a diet, which is high in zinc content. Eating a zinc rich diet promotes the overall growth and prevents complications such as depressed immunity, skin disorders, diarrhoea, and loss of appetite. Following are some great sources of zinc along with their content: 

    • Spinach - 0.8mg/per 100gm
    • Cashews - 5.6mg/per 100gm
    • Beans - 1.5 mg/per 100gm
    • Mushrooms - 0.9 mg/per 100gm
    • Cocoa powder - 6.8 mg/per 100gm
    • Yogurt - 1.4 mg/per 100gm

Monday 20 March 2017

Ayurvedic treatment for skin diseases

The skin is regarded as the mirror of an individual's inner health. It is the seat of sense organs and the senses of touch, pain, temperature, pressure are felt by it. Skin should be given due care and attention lest it shall suffer from premature aging, become dull and blemished. Some of the common skin disorders and problems include acne, pimples, pigmentation, premature aging etc.

According to Ayurveda, the branch of medicine, which dates back to 1000 B.C, excess sugar in the body, is a major cause of skin disorders. The skin cells so affected by the excess sugar provide an ideal breeding ground for the bacteria, which multiply rapidly using these skin cells.

Ayurveda has documented the "miraculous" properties of medicinal herbs and clays that counteract the excess sugar in the body. They combine with the skin cells to inhibit multiplication of the virus. The absence of a breeding ground results in the elimination of the virus.

Those suffering from skin problems usually take conventional types of medicines few of which often result in side effects. That's why the patients now prefer to make use of ayurvedic medicines for skin. Prepared by mixing the organic ingredients such treatments do not put any side effects upon the users. However, they are prone to adverse impacts because of certain allopathic treatments.

Following herbal products and other steps are regarded as the best ayurvedic medicines meant to treat skin problems:
    • Fennel: This herb acts like a strong energizer for human skin. Circulation of blood to the skin is improved in a big way with its regular use.
    • Liquorice: This is another ayurvedic treatment to ensure early cure. It may be taken as a vegetable. Regular use works wonders.
    • Whole grains: Taking whole grains also ensures proper treatment of skin problems.
    • Green leafy vegetables: Skin patients must take vegetables that are green and bear leaves. These are much helpful to save the skin from any problems. They act as ayurvedic treatment for skin.
    • Sweet juicy fruits: Taking fresh fruits containing sufficient juice in them helps to detoxify the body including the skin. It is freed from any toxic substances and skin problems.
    • Ginger and black pepper: Skin patients must include these two herbs in their daily diets. They act as strong fighters against skin disorders.
    • Almonds and walnuts: Enriched with lubricating features these two eatables work wonders to soften the hardened skin. Any disease associated with our skin can be got rid of with its even use.
    • Sunflower: The seeds of this herb contain zinc that helps in strengthening our skin in a big way.
    • Carrots and sweet cherries: Contents of beta-carotene in these two eatables are much helpful in enabling the body to fight skin disorders. Wonderful results are possible with regular intake.
    • Rose petal jam: Effective ayurvedic treatment for skin problems is possible with the jam prepared from rose petals.
    • Organic Milk and Clarified Butter: These two eatables also serve as strong ayurvedic treatment for skin problems. Essential oils, facial skin oil and sufficient water after frequent intervals are much helpful for the skin patients.

Those suffering from skin disorders must form good eating habits, take proper sleep and rest. Massaging with coconut or olive oil gives good results. Patients are advised to avoid hot sun rays. Synthetic cosmetics, spicy foods and alcohol must be avoided. Simple exercises, yoga asana and physical activities help in shedding toxic substances that in turn keeps the skin free from skin problems.