Thursday 29 September 2016

World Heart Day: Scenario of Heart Diseases in India

World Heart Day is celebrated every year on 29th September with the intent of raising awareness about cardiovascular disease. Every year has a different theme which tackles different aspects of heart disease. According to World Health Organisation (WHO), Cardiac diseases have nearly doubled in India, an alarming fact, considering that it has almost halved in Europe and the USA. Latest data collected from WHO, suggest that by 2010 there would be close to 100 million cardiac patients in India. It is 30 millions now. As per the WHO findings, men, women and children are at risk.

Of the 30 million heart patients in India, 14 million reside in urban areas and 16 million in rural areas. If the current trend continues, by the year 2020, the burden of cardiovascular diseases in India will surpass that of any other country in the world.

The statistical data given by WHO warns that, women will continue to experience disproportionately high mortality from cardiac diseases. By 2040, women in India will represent a higher proportion of cardio vascular disorder deaths than men. Regarding incidence 1 in 3 individuals age 65 or older has suffered from some form of heart disease or stroke. Studies have found that average annual rates of first major cardiac disease event rose from 7 per 1,000 men at ages 35 to 44 to 68 per 1,000 of ages 85 to 94. The comparable rates occur 10 years later for women but the gap between men and women narrows with advancing age. After age 75, the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases is greater in women than men.

The common accelerators for cardiac diseases are stress, strain, restlessness, work activities and the urbanisation. Nowadays, due to the urbanised cultures people are facing more stress and strain at home as well office. The food habits have changed and the utilisation of vegetables and fruits has been decreased. People are opting fast foods, which may contain some material that harms their heart. The lifestyle of the people is making them sensitive to cardiac diseases leading them towards stress and restlessness. Because of the modern lifestyle, the younger people are also getting heart diseases at a significant rate. Despite age and gender, cardiac diseases are evolving as a major threat for human life.

Heart disease is now the world's leading causes of death, claiming 17.3 million lives each year and India has seen a rapid transition in its heart disease burden over the past couple of decades. However, it's been projected that the load of communicable and non-communicable diseases might get reversed by 2020.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Appropriate guide to choosing the right paediatrician

You may be enjoying the stage of being pregnant or you may have already welcomed a new little life into this world. Whichever way, this time is a very exciting one but there are a number of responsibilities that need to be taken care of. Besides selecting the name and baby-proofing the house, it is also very important to choose a good paediatrician for your child so that his or her medical needs are taken care of properly.

Know your Own Philosophies

Every set of parents has different ideas about bringing up their babies. Right from vaccinations to breastfeeding and co-sleeping, parents have different philosophies and so do doctors. It is important that you know exactly what you want for your child. Even though it is not a bad thing to be open to different labels as a parent or different ways to bring up your kids, it is a good idea to know your stand (as well as your partner's) on certain basic issues regarding the child before you choose a paediatrician. This could help to make your search a lot easier.

Ask People you Trust

Before visiting the paediatrician, ask people to suggest paediatricians in the area. If you have grown up in the area you can always ask your parents or family members. Friends can also help out, especially if they have children of their own. You could also talk to mothers in the neighbourhood or those you meet in the vicinity because they are most likely to know the good paediatricians around your location.

Meet With Them

The best way to choose any kind of medical professional is to meet with them. Usually, you will know right from the beginning if you feel comfortable with them or not. You should also ask yourself if you feel comfortable in the office. Don't be afraid to ask a lot of questions. Find out whether they are on the same page as you when it comes to the basics in bringing up your child. Talk to the staff and just figure out if you think the whole place feels right.

Check them Out

Meeting with a doctor may help you decide whether you get a good vibe from a person but everything they say can't be taken at face value. No doctor will tell you their shortcomings or warn you about their faults. Before you choose a paediatric doctor to take care of your child, it is worth searching for them online and asking people around for their opinion about the person. You will probably find a lot of reviews and opinions which you should factor into your decision making process.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Home Remedies for Sun Spots on Face

There are innumerable girls who'll do almost anything to prevent themselves from getting a tan from that blessed summer sun. So, while it is disliked by a lot of people, there are others who absolutely love the tan look. At the end of the day, a tan isn't such a disastrous look. What does make it to that list of disastrous, or almost disastrous, is getting sun burnt, or even worse, dealing with sun spots. Undoubtedly, sun spots on the face are not really a look to die for. After all, who wants a blemish on their skin? Let alone face! Sun spots, also known as age spots, are caused due to exposure to the sun's UV rays. 

What are Sun Spots?

The ultraviolet light of the sun can be quite damaging to our skin. Luckily though, sun spots or age spots are mostly nothing more than a harmless discoloration of the skin. It is caused by the collection of melanin getting exposed to the sun. Melanin is a pigment produced in our skin by cells called melanocytes. An older person is always more susceptible to these sun spots, mainly because they have had a longer exposure to the sun as compared to someone younger. In rare cases, they appear in the form of white sun spots too. Although, they are known to be harmless in most cases, care must be taken so that you can prevent yourself from the risk of developing skin cancer.

Remedies for Sun Spots on the Face

Finding effective remedies that work well is never really an issue, and if it's a home remedy, it makes it even better. In most cases, the one guarantee that you will have for sure is that the chances of side effects are way lower if you do turn to natural methods. 

Aloe Vera: The use of Aloe Vera is perhaps one of the most common ones when it comes to home remedies. All you need to do is apply either aloe juice or aloe gel on the affected area of your skin. Doing so twice a day for at least 45 minutes will show effective results. Carry on with this method for roughly two months and you will notice a visible difference.

Castor Oil: Application of castor oil on the sun spots for one month can work wonders for your skin. All you have to do is apply the oil twice a day, once in the morning, once in the evening, and the spots will subside before you know it.

Fresh Garlic: Yet another home remedy towards getting rid of sunspots is to rub the juice of fresh garlic on the spots. A month or two of this application, twice a day, will get rid of the spots for sure.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with roughly 2 teaspoons of fresh orange juice is one more method to get rid of these spots. All you need to do is apply it daily for a minimum of one month, and the sunspots will definitely fade away.

Tomato Juice: Try applying a mixture made from 2 teaspoons of tomato juice mixed with 4 tablespoons of buttermilk. Do this daily for half an hour before washing it off, and you'll see the age spots get washed off too.

Other effective remedies that could be tried are the use of vitamin E cream, rubbing a slice of cucumber, drinking ample water and fruit juices, avoiding caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, etc. A lot of people may also wonder about sun spots on the face and treatment that can be resorted to. Odd as it may seem, there is not much to choose from. But, just to play it safe, you'd much rather turn to these readily available home cures for facial sun spots and have your skin looking absolutely spotless and flawless.

Effective Ways to Control Mosquito Bites

Mosquitoes are responsible for various diseases like malaria, dengue, yellow fever, etc. It is extremely essential to prevent these disease carriers from entering your living area. Since the females often lay their eggs in stagnant water, make sure that you don't have stagnant water in or around your home.

Outdoor Protection

Stagnant water in ponds is often a breeding place for these bloodsucking insects. Breeding mosquito fish, killifish, goldfish, or guppies in the pond is a good option, as these feed on mosquito larvae. It would be a good idea to stay indoors at dusk and during evening hours. If you are planning to spend time outdoors, make sure that you wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and socks.

Indoor Protection

Protect yourself by either preventing these insects from entering your house or killing them as they enter. Markets are flooded with mosquito control products. These insects can be prevented from entering the house, if you have doors and windows with tightly knit mesh.

Repellents and Coils

Apply an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered insect repellent cream or ointment on the exposed skin when you go outdoors, especially in woods. Coils are effective for outdoor use.

Electric Flyswatters

These are battery-operated handheld devices that look like tennis or badminton rackets. These are very effective in killing the ones that are flying around. The grid of the flyswatter is electrically charged to a voltage of between 500 and 1500 V DC. It gets activated as you press the button. Some of the electronic bug zappers attract the insects with their ultraviolet bulbs. The insects get killed as they approach the bulbs surrounded by low voltage grid.


Mosquito nets are an effective means to protect a small living area. You can cover your bed with hanging nets to prevent the insects from coming near you. These nets are very useful for covering beds where children sleep. You can also install nets for your windows and doors to effectively prevent these pests from entering your home. These nets have small holes that are large enough to let the air in, but not large enough to let the insects enter.

Make sure that you take measures to prevent these bloodsucking insects from entering your living area, so as to prevent mosquito-borne diseases.

Sunday 25 September 2016

Pneumonia in Children Under 5: Causes, symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the lungs due to a bacterial, viral, or chemical irritant is known as pneumonia. This is a serious infection wherein the air sacs are filled with pus and other liquids. This medical condition in children under five is very common and usually starts with the onset of cold, cough, or sore throat. Most of the symptoms of this disease in children under 5 are similar to cold symptoms.

Causes of pneumonia in children under five

This disease is usually observed due to two causes, bacterial or viral infection. Bacterial pneumonia is caused by different types of bacteria. The most common bacteria that causes it is Streptococcus pneumoniae. Other bacteria include Group B Streptococcus that is very common in newborn babies, Staphylococcus aureus and Group A Streptococcus that commonly affects children over the age of 5. Bacterial pneumonia has a very quick onset as compared to viral pneumonia. The bacterial pneumonia symptoms in children under 5 are as follows: 

Viral pneumonia is caused by different viruses that include RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) that commonly infects children under 5. Parainfluenza virus, rhinovirus, influenza virus, and adenovirus are some other viruses that cause pneumonia. The viral pneumonia symptoms in children under 5 are just as similar to the symptoms in bacteria. The only difference being slow respiratory infection onset. Also, the wheezing and cough in children may be worse in this case. Viral pneumonia makes a child more at risk of developing bacterial pneumonia. Other causes of this medical condition include fungal infections, inhalation of food, liquid, gases, or dust particles.

Symptoms of pneumonia in children under five

A child with respiratory tract infections like cold, cough, and runny nose may suddenly get worse and develop this disease. The symptoms include:

  • Worsened cough
  • Fever
  • Laboured breathing
  • Cyanosis
  • Crackles
  • Chest pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Nasal flaring
  • Loss of appetite or poor feeding in case of infants
  • Bluish or gray lips and finger nails in extreme cases

Some children with pneumonia may only develop a cough, high temperature, and rapid breathing as symptoms. In case of these signs and symptoms affecting the lower part of lungs, their breathing will not be affected, but they will show symptoms like fever, abdominal pain, and vomiting.

Treatment of pneumonia in children under five

The treatment would depend on the child's age, medical history, and overall health. The extent of inflammation of the lungs and the cause for this disease is also taken into consideration. The treatment for bacterial pneumonia in children is generally antibiotics. These antibiotics also help in recovery from Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Viral pneumonia has no specific treatment and it generally resolves on its own. The child may be kept on a specific diet and asked to increase his fluid intake. Fever may be treated by the administration of acetaminophen. In severe cases, the child may be given antibiotics intravenously (IV) or orally. Oxygen therapy, suctioning of the nose and mouth may be required to remove secretions and intravenous fluids in case the child cannot drink properly.

One can try preventing this medical condition by giving the child a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. Healthy diet will help build a strong immune system in the child and frequent hand washing will help prevent transfer of harmful germs. This medical condition may not be directly transmitted from person to person, but the causative agents like bacteria and virus can spread through body fluids. Most of the time, a good rest at home along with a regular intake of the medication doses will help in curing the child.

Saturday 24 September 2016

Physiotherapy- Remediating Illnesses and Injuries

To treat and mend the body is what physiotherapy is about. It is a speciality that helps with the management of impairments and mobility using examination, diagnosis, and prognosis. The methods used are based on the medical history of each and customised activities can be utilised so the result is improved.

It is a complex field that incorporates individual medical exams that will show how the body is affected. The most current investigations used are imaging studies like CT scans, MRI, and X-rays. Other tests will complement the array of clinical studies as the sum of all will be used to create an accurate picture. Comprehensive testing is crucial when multiple health issues may be involved, a better understanding and a correct diagnostic will speed up the healing process.

Physiotherapists are specialised professionals that can work in various medical areas like neurology, cardiopulmonary, geriatrics, orthopaedics and others. The best way to treat and care for patients includes wellness aspects. To create a healthy lifestyle therapists work in preventing the degradation of muscles and joints. Maintaining habits that preserve movement and the overall functional abilities of the body is up to each. The specialists will guide each and everyone so they can reach their full potential.

To empower the patient and to help him create a lifestyle that brings joy and fulfilment is the goal of every medical specialist. Physiotherapists are not an exception, and each program that patients go through improves certain aspects. To treat only the body would be a mistake, and because of this, a great medical specialist always takes care of the mind.

Balancing the mind and the body and using unique methods of healing illnesses will result in a happy individual. The medical field we encounter is very specialised and offers a lot of solutions. These solutions are usually related to drugs and surgery. There are cases when only these methods are useful, and we should not diminish the power of medical treatment.

However another point of view that is also focused on treating the injuries, deformities, and other illnesses rely on physical methods of massages, heat treatment and more.

To use the body as a healing tool is an excellent idea and this has been confirmed, a great number of problems can be dealt with. Adding the power of the mind to the mix will result in a perfect mix that is ready to take on any challenge.

Massage therapists that use efficient methods for any number of illnesses will use the experience acquired so patients can benefit. Optimal health can be achieved as traditional medical practices aim to address the cause of the disease. Controlling the well-being of each patient and starting a wellness journey is easy as physiotherapy is the answer.

Friday 23 September 2016

How to get instant relief from constipation

Constipation is characterised by infrequent and irregular evacuation of bowel. It is usually caused due to poor dietary habits. People who are not physically active are also susceptible. Those who suffer from this condition face difficulty while passing stool. Here are some measures that can be followed to treat this condition.

Preventive Measures

One must drink 8 to 10 glasses of lukewarm water throughout the day. Water helps to flush out the body toxins and keeps your body healthy. Add to your diet, foods rich in fibre content such as fresh fruits and vegetables like spinach, broccoli, whole grains, green beans, kidney beans, and peas. High fibre foods help the body to defecate without any strain. Limit the intake of red meat, cheese, bread, and other processed foods. Walking regularly helps to maintain a healthy digestive system.

Babies who are affected by this condition will benefit by taking a stool softener. Give your infant apple juice or pear juice, twice in a day. Gently rubbing your baby's stomach will also help.

Fruit juices help in passing the food slowly to the intestine. Fibre rich food like prunes, peas, cereals, apples and bananas are recommended for preventing this condition. A warm bath will also prove beneficial. Taking natural laxatives or herbal tea will also help.

Home remedies for constipation 

Here are some of the home remedies that will give you some relief from constipation.

  • Exercising will help move the food faster in the bowel.
  • Sesame seeds are a supplement for roughage, and taking half ounce of sesame seeds soaked in water will soften the foods in the intestine.
  • Apple cider vinegar contains pectin, which is a water soluble fibre. It helps regulate the stomach acid levels and hence, improves digestion. Drink a mixture of water (8 oz) and apple cider vinegar (2 teaspoonfuls), thrice a day for instant relief.
  • Equal amount of black-strap molasses and honey can be taken occasionally, as both of them have high calorie content. One spoonful of honey, thrice in a day, works well to prevent this digestive ailment, as honey itself acts as a laxative.
  • You can add two tablespoons of castor oil in warm milk, and drink it every alternate day.
  • One more home remedy for instant relief is Triphala Churna, an Indian Ayurvedic medicine. A blend of this powder and water can be kept overnight, before drinking it in the morning. This proves very useful for improving bowel movement.
  • A common home remedy is to mix lemon juice in lukewarm water and then drinking the liquid.
  • Drinking fresh orange juice in the morning and having an apple a day will help.
  • Use of herbs such as asafoetida, cumin powder, and coriander, while cooking, helps the foods to digest easily.
  • Consuming tomato juice will also help.

Constipation is mostly observed in people who eat low-fibre foods or drink less water. The minimum daily requirement for dietary fibres is 25-35 grams. A healthy, high-fibre diet and proper fluid intake will give you instant constipation relief. Remember to also reduce the quantity of alcohol and caffeine from your diet.

Thursday 22 September 2016

All you want to know about antibiotic eye drops

Eye infections such as blepharitis, conjunctivitis, or keratitis give rise to symptoms such as redness, swelling, discharge, pain, eye fatigue, and itchiness. Different types of ophthalmic solutions and drugs are used for treating infections and inflammatory conditions that affect the eyes. These include artificial tears/gels, antihistamines, mast cell stabilisers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroid, antibiotic and antiviral eye drops or ointments. Antibiotic ophthalmic solutions are basically suspension of drugs that are used for treating bacterial infections. These medicated ophthalmic solutions might even be used for preventing eye infections.

Antibiotic Drops

These are classified into broad-spectrum and narrow-spectrum. While the former is effective against a wide range of bacteria, the latter is used for killing a specific group of bacteria. These eye drops are basically categorised into bacteriocidal, bacteriostatic and combination eye drops. Bacteriocidal drops contain certain active compounds that have the ability to kill bacteria. These are suspension of drugs that contain active compounds that target essential chemical pathways, inner cell membrane, and outer cell wall and interrupt the chemical processes that help these bacteria grow.

Many of these drops contain aminglycosides. These act against certain types of bacteria. These are especially effective against pseudomonas. This bacterium is generally responsible for the contamination of contact lenses. Neomycin, tobramycin, amikacin, and gentamycin are all classified as aminoglycosides.

The bacteriostatic drugs don't kill bacteria, but prevent them from multiplying. Bacteriostatic drops are usually prescribed for the treatment of conjunctivitis. Sometimes ophthalmic solutions might also contain other drugs. These are referred to as combination eye drops. These are generally used to treat emergency cases. This kind of treatment is based on the principle of antibiotic synergism. Sometimes, the combined effect of different types of drugs is more effective than using individual drugs. When the bacterial strain hasn't been identified and the bacterium seems to be capable of a great deal of harm, antibiotics and steroids are generally combined together for the treatment. These can also help in prevention of the development of resistant strains of bacteria. The ophthalmic solutions that are commonly used for treating bacterial infections include ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, ofloxacin, tobramycin, and monofloxacin.

Side effects of antibiotic eye drops

Over-the-counter availability of ophthalmic solutions is becoming a major cause of concern. It is always better to buy eye drops prescribed by an ophthalmologist, as the prolonged use of these drops can lead to the development of strains of bacteria that are resistant to these drugs. Moreover, antibiotic eye drops must not be used for infections that are caused by viruses, parasites, or exposure to allergens. Certain bacterial infections need to be treated with the help of target-specific antibiotics. Using broad-spectrum drugs might not help in treating such infections.

Sometimes, the use of these medicated ophthalmic solutions could lead to redness, itchiness, severe stinging sensation, or blurred vision. In such cases, discontinue using that particular eye drop/ointment and consult an ophthalmologist immediately.

You must use these medicated drops only under the supervision of a doctor. Don't self-medicate, as using medicated drops for a long period could lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Monday 19 September 2016

How to Treat Asthma during Pregnancy

Asthma is a chronic disorder of the respiratory system where periodic inflammation occurs in the air passage and normal airflow into the body gets affected. It is triggered due to irritation of the lining of the air passage caused by allergens, irritants, infections, cold weather conditions, hormonal changes and so on. An asthma attack is identified with symptoms like breathing difficulty, wheezing, chest tightness, cough, etc. Asthma attacks during pregnancy are fairly common. Those women who have a medical history of asthma tend to get the attacks more frequently during pregnancy. On the other hand, some women develop asthma during pregnancy.

Treating asthma during pregnancy

Many women try to avoid asthma treatment during pregnancy as they feel that medicines can cause harm to their unborn baby. It is true that taking asthma medicines may not be good for the baby but an uncontrolled asthma attack during pregnancy is even worse. It decreases the amount of oxygen supply to the mother and the foetus. This can lead to serious complications like high blood pressure in the pregnant mother, pre-eclampsia, low birth weight of the infant, premature baby birth, etc.

For treatment during pregnancy, you have to involve both your pulmonologist and the obstetrician. Do not stop taking medicines on your own when you come to know about your pregnancy. Rather, you must inform your obstetrician about the medicines that you are taking. When you inform your pulmonologist that you are pregnant, then he or she may change the dosage of the medicine or give you new medicines. 

The most popular medicine used for treating asthma during pregnancy is steroid inhalers. It opens up the air passage and alleviates symptoms. It may be accompanied by oral steroid medicines or injections. The dosage of these medicines depends on the frequency of the asthma attack and severity of the symptoms. Do not worry as your doctor will select suitable medicines for you that have minimum side effects on you and your baby.

If asthma is triggered due to exposure to allergens, then doctors prescribe antihistamines for controlling the allergy symptoms. A nasal congestion due to upper respiratory tract infection is often treated with oral decongestants. Those who are prone to flu attack may be advised to take flu shots to prevent aggravation of the problem. Regular intake of medicines is not enough, you also have to visit your pulmonologist to monitor the lung function from time to time. Your gynaecologist will also recommend frequent ultrasounds to check foetal growth.

Treating an Asthma Attack at Home

Along with the medicinal treatment, you have to take a few remedial measures at home to control asthma symptoms. A few helpful tips in this regard are as follows:

  • Strictly avoid tobacco smoke exposure. Those pregnant women who are smokers should quit the habit immediately. Smoking can lead to a severe asthma attack.
  • Make sure that your home and office environment where you spend maximum time is free from environmental irritants like dirt, dust, pollen, mould, etc.
  • Do not go outdoors in cold weather conditions. If you have to go, make sure you cover up your mouth and nose properly with a scarf.
  • Mix some rock salt with mustard oil to prepare a thick paste. Massage this paste gently on your chest daily. This reduces the chances of an asthma attack to a great extent.
  • Garlic can provide relief from asthma. Boil 8-10 garlic cloves in a glass of milk for 10 minutes. Let it cool down and then drink it. It should be taken daily for best results.

The main aim of this treatment is to keep the mother and the baby healthy. If you are one of those women who have pre-existing asthma problems, there is no need to assume that you are going to have a tough time during pregnancy. You can manage asthma with proper medical care, regular monitoring of the condition and some suitable precautionary measures.

Symptoms of Gallbladder Problems in Women

Early symptoms of gallbladder problems are often left untreated; as they are usually considered as symptoms of simple stomach problems that might get cured on their own. In majority of the cases, no early symptoms are noticed and gallbladder diseases are detected when the situation becomes worse. It is necessary to create awareness regarding gallbladder disorder symptoms.

Gallbladder Problems in Women

Gallbladder is a pear shaped small organ that assists in the process of digestion. It stores bile pigments produced by the liver. Infection, mostly due to the presence of gallstones is one of the main causes of gallbladder problems. Gallstones create obstruction in the path of the bile, leading to infection and inflammation of the gallbladder. The condition is also known as cholecystitis. Overweight women, women who follow fad diets and lose weight drastically, women with thyroid problems, family history, high cholesterol, diabetes, and certain other diseases are more likely to suffer from gallbladder dysfunction. Wrong eating habits, certain drugs and ageing are also responsible for gallbladder disorders.

Gallbladder symptoms in men and women are almost the same; but in case of women, these symptoms are more often neglected because women usually think that the abdominal pain might be due to menstruation problems. In fact, more cases of gallbladder disease are noticed in women than in men; because women suffer more from hormonal imbalance as they take birth control pills and go through various stages like puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, breast-feeding and menopause.

Symptoms of gallbladder problems in women

Since gallbladder is situated in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen, 'upper right quadrant pain' is one of the main symptoms of dysfunction of gallbladder. Gallbladder attack symptoms include extreme abdominal pain. Gallbladder attacks may result in low blood pressure. Nausea, vomiting, gas, excessive burping, belching are some of the common symptoms of gallbladder problems in women. Symptoms of heartburn like bitter fluid coming up in the mouth are also experienced by some women. Women should consult their physician if they notice any change in the colour of stools and if problems like gas and bloating do not go away despite home remedies or medicines. Women may suffer from indigestion, loss of appetite, diarrhoea and fever, depending upon the severity of the gallbladder infection. The pain may spread upwards and right side chest pain might be experienced. Women might complain about back pain or shoulder-blade pain, which to their surprise, can be due to gallbladder infection. Abdominal pain especially after enjoying a heavy dinner (food rich in fat) indicates gallbladder dysfunction. The pain can be so extreme that the woman might find it difficult to walk, stand or even sit straight. Weight loss without any reason and symptoms of jaundice are noticed in case of gallbladder cancer.

Gallbladder problems during pregnancy

Symptoms of gallbladder disorder during pregnancy need prompt medication. During pregnancy, a woman's body is overloaded with various hormones which can sometimes affect the process of digestion. Gallbladder contracts when pouring the bile and gallstones can cause sudden severe abdominal pain. Intake of fat rich foods may aggravate the problem as the gallbladder will have to work hard (more number of contractions) to release more bile. Other symptoms like nausea and vomiting can be misinterpreted as 'morning sickness'. Sometimes during pregnancy, women experience itchy skin without any skin rashes. Gallbladder symptoms in pregnant women need to be carefully treated; since two lives are at stake.

Treatment of gallbladder problems mainly involves management of pain with the help of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Antacids help relieve heartburn and nausea. Doctors prescribe medicines and see to it that gallstones are naturally dissolved. If nothing works, then only, gallbladder surgery for the removal of gallbladder is recommended. A low-fat diet is an essential part of the treatment designed for gallbladder dysfunction. Increased intake of vitamin C and restricted intake of coffee may help you to stay away from gallstones problems. Studies show that the risk of having gallstones and related problems is higher for women who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Physically active women are less likely to suffer from gallstones. Similarly, those who take statin drugs to control high cholesterol levels also are less likely to suffer from gallbladder diseases. In men and women, gallbladder problems, if detected earlier, can be cured with balanced diet and medications. Thus, gallbladder surgery and its side effects can be easily avoided.

Sunday 11 September 2016

Enlarged Prostate in Young Men

Prostate enlargement, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is a common medical condition in older men. Its occurrence in men under 30 is a rarity. This prostate lies beneath the bladder, and it surrounds the urethra. In case you are unaware of the function of the prostate gland, it does the work of nourishing and protecting the sperm when it travels through the vaginal tract for fertilisation during intercourse thus, increasing the chances of pregnancy. The gland, at birth, is of the size of a walnut. With age, the gland grows continuously. In some men, this growth makes the prostate bigger enough to obstruct urine flow, and cause other urinary problems.

What could cause enlarged prostate?

The period from mid to late 40s, is considered to be the growing period of the prostate gland. The problem of the enlarged prostate gland, according to experts, is triggered by a rapid multiplication of cells in the central portion of the gland. Now, what causes such an episode is yet to be brought under the light of certainty. Although there is no solid evidence, there are assumptions which are strongly related to it. The first speculation is regarding the hormone testosterone and female hormone (oestrogen) levels in men. Any abnormal change that occurs in these levels may trigger the condition of prostate gland enlargement in younger and older men. Leaving this aside, some doctors claim that a condition known as hyperplasia that occurs in the gland may also be one of the causes. While in some cases, the gland may develop an increased sensitivity towards normal levels of hormone, and this may result in the enlargement too.

Symptoms of enlarged prostate

The symptoms may get worse as men age. Also, the symptoms are not the same for all, and may vary with individuals. Common signs and symptoms include experiencing difficulty in initiating urination, dribbling episodes at the end of each session, and having a weak urine system. Along with these few pronounced symptoms, increased urgency for urination, increased urination at night, straining while urinating, and incomplete evacuation during urination may occur. With time, the symptoms of this prostate problem may become worse and include bladder stones, impaired kidney function, urinary tract infection (UTI) and presence of blood in the urine.

Treatment of enlarged prostate

Not every person who has BPH requires treatment. Only when the symptoms become severe or bothersome enough, one can decide to get treated. Treatment options are many, and severity of the symptoms, the enlargement, medical history, and overall health are some factors which help in determining the best treatment for an individual. Most cases can be managed with the use of medications. These may include alpha blockers (muscle relaxants), and 5 alpha reductase inhibitors (aid in shrinking the gland). In some cases, the patient may need to be treated with a combination of the above two medicines depending upon the condition. If administrating medications does not seem promising enough, then doctors may recommend surgery. The main aim of the surgery is to reduce the size of the prostate so that it can relieve the urinary problems the patient is facing. The patient may choose from a wide variety of surgical procedures.

Along with prescribed medications, there are a few self-care measures that can be followed at home. These measures may help deal with the symptoms to some extent. It is better to limit drinks in the evening, especially when it is close to bedtime. Avoid alcoholic drinks, limit decongestants or antihistamines, avoid delaying the urge to go to the toilet, and do regular exercises. Keeping yourself warm also helps in reducing the symptoms. Speaking of natural treatment, some scientists believe that the herb palmetto may show promising results in treating BPH. However, studies conducted for the efficacy of the herb showed inconsistent results thus, further investigation is required.

Saturday 10 September 2016

Tips to Quit Smoking While Pregnant

It is no secret that smoking is a very harmful and bad addiction. In fact, it's absolutely correct to say that 'smoking kills'. And once you are into smoking, it becomes even more difficult to quit. Smoking is a hazardous addiction which can lead to serious health ailments like cancer, lung and heart diseases, problems with circulation, skin and eyes problems, etc. In extreme cases it can even cause death. Smoking in fact lowers your lifespan. And in pregnancy, it doubles the effects as the child also becomes the victim. A woman should literally not dare to touch a cigarette once she knows about her pregnancy, as it affects the baby's health, and in severe cases, it can lead to miscarriages, abortions, premature delivery, and low birth weight.

Hazardous effects of smoking during pregnancy

A single cigarette contains thousands of harmful chemicals and compounds, like cyanide, lead, nicotine and carbon monoxide. When you smoke, the chemicals enter your body and indirectly enter the baby's body through the blood stream. Nicotine and carbon monoxide narrow down the arteries and this result in lowered oxygen supply to the baby. Babies born to pregnant smokers are more prone to severe health conditions like sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), asthma and lung disorders. Smoking also affects the baby's brain and can lead to learning disabilities and behavioural problems in future. Smoking a pack of cigarettes daily can lower the baby's weight by about a pound, and low body weight in a baby means stunted growth in the future too. The harmful effects of smoking in pregnant woman include vaginal bleeding and delivery problems, which includes ectopic pregnancy, which is a kind of abnormal pregnancy in which the foetus (baby) cannot survive and a still birth takes place, in which the baby dies in the uterus itself.

Quitting smoking when pregnant

After reading the harmful effects of cigarette smoking, anyone would expect the person to quit cigarettes automatically. But this thing never happens. Smoking is such an addiction that one tends to ignore the body health and the cigarette becomes dearer than the health. This is a real challenge. Following are some of the ways and tips to motivate and quit smoking especially when you are pregnant.

  • Visualise the Baby- Think of your baby when you get an impulse to smoke. Pregnancy is one of the best phases of a woman's life and every woman dreams of giving birth to a healthy baby. As seen in the earlier paragraph, smoking is so hazardous for your baby's health, so stop smoking at least for your baby's sake.
  • Go Cold Turkey- Another method is giving up smoking completely at one go. This is often referred as the cold turkey method. This method can be tough for some as it involves giving up cigarettes completely. In this method, you are supposed to throw away all your cigarette packs, ashtrays and lighters. This technique demands strong willpower, and if you are a heavy smoker you could experience some withdrawal symptoms like depression and stress.
  • Stay Happy- Pregnancy is a happy phase and you should enjoy this phase, so don't let any kind of stress bother you as stress is an open invitation to a cigarette and other health ailments.
  • Manage Your Surroundings- It's always better to announce your plans to quit smoking to all your friends and acquaintances, because it's like a commitment. You should feel free to ask them to not to smoke when you are around as you might get an urge to smoke. Passive smoking is also very harmful.
  • Don't Give Up- Even if you experience symptoms like depression and cannot control that craving for a cigar, don't give up. Instead engage yourself in some other activity, so that your mind is diverted.
  • Train Your Mind- The mind is an amazing machine, with immense power. Fix it in your mind that you wouldn't give in to the cigarette urge, your mind has powers to help you control the craving.
  • Prepare a Notebook- Jot down in a notebook all the reasons on why you have to stop smoking. Also write the harmful effects of smoking in this notebook. If you get an urge to smoke, go through this notebook, your interest would automatically diminish.
  • Enjoy the Benefits of a Healthy Life- Your decision to quit smoking means, you have chosen to live a healthy life. Be positive about your decision and enjoy the new lifestyle. You can also join a good pregnancy class where you would find like-minded friends. Deep breathing exercises are also very good for relieving stress and make one strong.
  • Be Strong- Don't let cigarettes become your weakness. You should be strong enough to live without any addiction. It will also give you a feeling of satisfaction that you can live life without the puff.
  • Use Nicotine Alternatives- This one is the least recommended tip, but you can go for it in extreme cases. Giving up smoking can be a tough task, especially if you are into this habit for years. But now the demand of time is that you quit it completely and immediately. If on some occasion, the urge is very strong, you can indulge in some nicotine replacements like a nicotine chewing gum. But remember that you should have the replacements only if the urge is very strong.

Ladies, think about the happiness the 'little bundle of joy' would give you once he/she arrives, and use this joy as a tool to repel that dangerous stick, called cigarette.